Breakfast cereal manufacturing




Breakfast cereal manufacturing

311230 Breakfast cereals and related products
3112301 Ready-to-serve cereal breakfast foods, except infant cereals
31123011 Ready-to-serve corn flakes and other corn breakfast foods (except infant cereals), with or without fruits and-or nuts
3112301111 Ready-to-serve corn flakes and other corn breakfast foods (except infant cereals), with fruits and-or nuts
3112301121 Ready-to-serve corn flakes and other corn breakfast foods (except infant cereals), without fruits or nuts
31123012 Ready-to-serve wheat flakes and other corn breakfast foods (except infant cereals), with or without fruits and-or nuts
3112301231 Ready-to-serve wheat flakes and other wheat breakfast foods (except infant cereals), with fruits and-or nuts
3112301241 Ready-to-serve wheat flakes and other wheat breakfast foods (except infant cereals), without fruits or nuts
31123013 Ready-to-serve oat breakfast foods (except infant cereals), with or without fruits and-or nuts
3112301351 Ready-to-serve oat breakfast foods (except infant cereals), with fruits and-or nuts
3112301361 Ready-to-serve oat breakfast foods (except infant cereals), without fruits and-or nuts
31123014 Ready-to-serve rice breakfast foods (except infant cereals), with or without fruits and-or nuts
3112301471 Ready-to-serve rice breakfast foods (except infant cereals), with fruits and-or nuts
3112301481 Ready to serve rice breakfast foods (except infant cereals), without fruits of nuts
31123015 Ready-to-serve breakfast preparations of other grains and mixed grains (except infant cereals), with or without fruits and-or nuts
3112301591 Ready-to-serve breakfast preparations of other grains and mixed grains (except infant cereals), with fruits and-or nuts
31123015A1 Ready-to-serve breakfast preparations of other grains and mixed grains (except infant cereals), without fruits or nuts
3112301Y Ready-to-serve cereal breakfast foods, except infant cereals, nsk
3112301YWV Ready-to-serve cereal breakfast foods, except infant cereals, nsk
3112304 Other cereal breakfast foods, nec
31123041 Other cereal breakfast foods
3112304111 Infants' cereals, all types
3112304121 Instant hot cereals, all types of grains (mix with hot water and eat type)
3112304131 Farina and other wheat foods intended to be cooked before serving, except instant and infants' cereals
3112304141 Rolled oats and oatmeal intended to be cooked before serving, except instant and infants' cereals
3112304151 Cereal preparations of other grains and mixed grains intended to be cooked before serving, except instant and infants' cereals
3112304Y Other cereal breakfast foods, nsk
3112304YWV Other cereal breakfast foods, nsk
311230W Cereal breakfast foods, nsk, total
311230WY Cereal breakfast foods, nsk, total
311230WYWW Cereal breakfast foods, nsk, for nonadministrative-record establishments
311230WYWY Cereal breakfast foods, nsk, for administrative-record establishments

The Report entitled, Breakfast cereal manufacturing (Ref: 31123) , contains the above Product and Market breakdown.