Bread & bakery product manufacturing




Bread and bakery product manufacturing

311811 Retail bakery products
3118110 Retail bakery products
31181101 Retail bakery products
3118110111 Breads and rolls (excluding bagels)
3118110121 Bagels
3118110131 Cakes
3118110141 Cookies
3118110151 Doughnuts
3118110161 Pies
31181101V1 Other sweet goods (sweet rolls, coffeecake, pastries, danishes, muffins, etc.)
3118110Y Retail bakeries, nsk, total
3118110YWW Retail bakeries, nsk, for nonadministrative-record establishments
3118110YWY Retail bakeries, nsk, for administrative-record establishments
311812 Commercial bakery products
3118121 Bread (white, wheat and rye, etc.), including frozen
31181211 White pan bread
3118121111 White pan bread, except frozen
3118121121 Frozen white pan bread
31181212 White hearth bread (including french, italian, etc.)
3118121231 White hearth bread, except frozen (including french, italian, etc.)
3118121241 Frozen white hearth bread (including french, italian, etc.)
31181213 Whole wheat, cracked wheat, multigrain and other dark wheat breads
3118121351 Whole wheat, cracked wheat, multigrain and other dark wheat breads, except frozen
3118121361 Frozen whole wheat, cracked wheat, multigrain and other dark wheat breads
31181214 Other variety breads (rye, unleavened, raisin, potato, self-rising, salt-free, canned, etc.)
3118121471 Rye bread (including pumpernickel), except frozen
3118121481 Frozen rye bread (including pumpernickel)
3118121491 Unleavened bread, except frozen
31181214A1 Frozen unleavened bread
31181214G1 Other variety breads (raisin, potato, self-rising, salt-free, canned, etc.), except frozen
31181214J1 Other frozen variety breads (raisin, potato, self-rising, salt-free, canned, etc.)
3118121Y Bread: white, wheat, rye, etc. (including frozen), nsk, total
3118121YWV Bread: white, wheat, rye, etc. (including frozen), nsk
3118124 Rolls (bread-type), muffins, bagels and croissants
31181241 Hamburger and wiener rolls
3118124111 Hamburger and wiener rolls, except frozen
3118124121 Frozen hamburger and wiener rolls
31181242 All other rolls (bread-type), including muffins, bagels and croissants
3118124231 Brown-and-serve rolls, except frozen
3118124241 Frozen brown-and-serve rolls
3118124251 English muffins, except frozen
3118124261 Frozen english muffins
3118124271 Hearth rolls, except frozen
3118124281 Frozen hearth rolls
3118124291 Bagels, except frozen
31181242A1 Frozen bagels
31181242B1 Croissants, except frozen
31181242C1 Frozen croissants
31181242D1 Other bread-type rolls (kaiser except hearth-type, parkerhouse, etc.), except frozen
31181242E1 Other frozen bread-type rolls (kaiser except hearth-type, parkerhouse, etc.)
31181242F1 Bread stuffing, croutons and bread crumbs (plain and seasoned)
3118124Y Rolls (bread-type), muffins, bagels and croissants, nsk, total
3118124YWV Rolls (bread-type), muffins, bagels and croissants, nsk
3118125 Rolls, bread-type (including muffins, bagels and croissants)
31181251 Rolls, hamburger and wiener
3118125111 Rolls, hamburger and wiener, except frozen
3118125121 Rolls, hamburger and wiener, frozen
31181252 All other rolls, bread-type (including muffins, bagels and croissants)
3118125231 Rolls, brown-and-serve, except frozen
3118125241 Rolls, brown-and-serve, frozen
3118125251 English muffins, except frozen
3118125261 English muffins, frozen
3118125271 Rolls, hearth, except frozen
3118125281 Rolls, hearth, frozen
3118125291 Bagels, except frozen
31181252A1 Bagels, frozen
31181252B1 Croissants, except frozen
31181252C1 Croissants, frozen
31181252D1 Other rolls, bread-type, including kaiser (except hearth-type, parkerhouse, etc.), except frozen
31181252E1 Other rolls, bread-type, including kaiser (except hearth-type, parkerhouse, etc.), frozen
31181252F1 Bread stuffing, croutons and bread crumbs (plain and seasoned)
31181252G1 Soft pretzels
3118125Y Rolls (bread-type), muffins, bagels and croissants, nsk
3118125YWV Rolls (bread-type), muffins, bagels and croissants, nsk
3118127 Soft cakes, except frozen
31181271 Soft cakes, except frozen
3118127111 Snack cakes, except frozen
3118127121 Fruit cakes, holiday-type, except frozen
3118127131 All other soft cakes, except frozen (including pound, layer, sheet, cheese, etc.)
3118127Y Soft cakes, except frozen, nsk, total
3118127YWV Soft cakes, except frozen, nsk
311812A Pies (fruit, cream and custard), except frozen
311812A1 Pies (fruit, cream and custard), except frozen
311812A111 Snack pies (fruit, cream and custard), except frozen
311812A121 All other pies (fruit, cream and custard types, etc.), except frozen
311812AY Pies (fruit, cream and custard), except frozen, nsk, total
311812AYWV Pies (fruit, cream and custard), except frozen, nsk
311812D Other sweet goods, except frozen, nec
311812D1 Other sweet goods, except frozen
311812D111 Yeast-raised doughnuts, except frozen
311812D131 Cake-type doughnuts, except frozen
311812D151 Pastries, except frozen (including cream puffs, eclairs, lady fingers, french pastry, puff pastry)
311812D181 All other sweet goods containing yeast, except frozen (including sweet rolls and coffeecake)
311812D191 All other sweet goods not containing yeast, except frozen (including danishes and muffins)
311812DY Other sweet goods, except frozen, nsk, total
311812DYWV Other sweet goods, except frozen, nsk
311812W Commercial bakeries, nsk, total
311812WY Commercial bakeries, nsk, total
311812WYWW Commercial bakeries, nsk, for nonadministrative-record establishments
311812WYWY Commercial bakeries, nsk, for administrative- record establishments
311813 Frozen bakery products
3118130 Frozen bakery products
31181301 Frozen soft cakes (including pound, layer, sheet, cheese, etc.)
3118130111 Frozen soft cakes (including pound, layer, sheet, cheese, etc.)
31181302 Frozen pies
3118130221 Frozen pies
31181303 All other frozen bakery products
3118130331 Frozen yeast-raised doughnuts
3118130341 Frozen cake-type doughnuts
3118130351 Frozen pastries (including cream puffs, eclairs, lady fingers, french pastry, puff pastry, etc)
3118130361 All other frozen sweet goods containing yeast (including sweet rolls and coffeecake)
3118130371 All other frozen sweet goods not containing yeast (including danishes and muffins)
3118130391 Frozen cookie and cracker products
31181303V1 All other frozen bakery products
3118130Y Frozen bakery product manufacturing, nsk, total
3118130YWW Frozen bakery product manufacturing, nsk, for nonadministrative-record establishments
3118130YWY Frozen bakery product manufacturing, nsk, for administrative-record establishments

The Report entitled, Bread & bakery product manufacturing (Ref: 31181) , contains the above Product and Market breakdown.