Ornamental & architectural metal products manufacturing




Ornamental and architectural metal products manufacturing

332321 Metal windows and doors
3323211 Metal doors (except storm doors)
33232111 Residential aluminum doors (including garage and closet doors, excluding shower doors, tub enclosures and storm doors)
3323211110 Swinging residential aluminum doors (excluding shower doors, tub enclosures and storm doors)
3323211113 Sliding residential aluminum doors (glass, patio-type) (excluding shower doors, tub enclosures and storm doors)
3323211116 All other residential aluminum doors (including garage and closet doors, excluding shower doors, tub enclosures and storm doors)
3323211119 Overhead and sliding commercial and institutional aluminum doors (excluding shower doors, tub enclosures and storm doors)
33232112 Commercial, institutional and industrial aluminum doors (excluding shower doors, tub enclosures and storm doors)
3323211201 Overhead industrial aluminum doors
3323211204 Sliding industrial aluminum doors
3323211207 All other industrial aluminum doors
3323211222 Swinging commercial and institutional aluminum doors (excluding shower doors, tub enclosures and storm doors)
3323211225 All other commercial and institutional aluminum doors (excluding shower doors, tub enclosures and storm doors)
33232113 Industrial iron and steel doors
3323211328 Overhead industrial iron and steel doors
3323211331 Swing industrial iron and steel doors
3323211334 All other industrial iron and steel doors (including sliding)
33232114 Residential iron and steel doors (except garage doors, excluding shower doors, tub enclosures and storm doors)
3323211440 Residential steel composite doors (steel clad with foam wood components) (excluding shower doors, tub enclosures and storm doors)
3323211443 Residential insulated steel entrance doors (except storm doors)
3323211446 All other residential iron and steel doors (including slide, swing and closet doors, excluding shower doors, tub enclosures and storm doors)
33232115 Commercial and institutional iron and steel doors (excluding shower doors, tub enclosures and storm doors)
3323211549 Overhead and sliding commercial and institutional iron and steel doors (excluding shower doors, tub enclosures and storm doors)
3323211552 Swing commercial and institutional iron and steel doors (excluding shower doors, tub enclosures and storm doors)
3323211555 All other commercial and institutional iron and steel doors (excluding shower doors, tub enclosures and storm doors)
33232116 Door frames (including trim sold as an intergral part of the door frame, except storm door frames)
3323211661 Aluminum door frames (including trim sold as an integral part of the door frame, except storm door frames)
3323211664 Steel door frames, 16 gauge and heavier (including trim sold as an integral part of the door frame, except storm door frames)
3323211667 Steel door frames, lighter than 16 gauge (including trim sold as an integral part of the door frame, except storm door frames)
33232117 Shower doors and tub enclosures (all metals) and other metal doors not made of aluminum or steel
3323211758 Metal doors other than steel or aluminum (excluding shower doors, tub enclosures and storm doors)
3323211770 Shower doors and tub enclosures (all metal)
33232118 Residential iron and steel garage doors
3323211837 Residential iron and steel garage doors
3323211Y Metal doors (except storm doors), nsk
3323211YWV Metal doors (except storm doors), nsk
3323213 Metal windows (except storm sash)
33232131 All other residential aluminum window sash and frames, including jalousie, excluding storm sash
3323213101 Residential steel window sash and frames (except storm sash)
3323213111 Residential aluminum awning window sash and frames (except storm sash)
3323213116 Residential aluminum horizontal sliding window sash and frames (except storm sash)
3323213121 All other residential aluminum window sash and frames (including jalousie, excluding storm sash)
33232132 Other metal window sash and frames (except storm sash)
3323213226 Other steel window sash and frames (including commercial, industrial, etc.) (except storm sash)
3323213231 Other aluminum single and double hung sash and frames (including commercial, industrial, etc.) (except storm sash)
3323213236 Other aluminum awning window sash and frames (including commercial, industrial, etc.) (except storm sash)
3323213241 Other aluminum projected window sash and frames (including commercial, industrial, etc.) (except storm sash)
3323213246 Other aluminum window sash and frames (including commercial, industrial, etc.) (except storm sash)
3323213251 Metal window, other than steel or aluminum (except storm sash)
33232133 Residential aluminum single and double hung window sash and frames (except storm sash)
3323213306 Residential aluminum single and double hung window sash and frames (except storm sash)
3323213Y Metal windows (except storm sash), nsk
3323213YWV Metal windows (except storm sash), nsk
3323215 Metal molding and trim and store fronts
33232151 Metal molding and trim and store fronts
3323215101 Steel molding and trim
3323215102 Aluminum moldings and trim
3323215104 Steel molding and trim
3323215106 Finished metal moldings for mirrors and pictures and aluminum molding and trim
3323215108 Store fronts, sold complete at factory
3323215109 Steel curtain walls (including stainless)
3323215110 Aluminum curtain walls
3323215111 Metal store fronts, sold complete at factory
3323215112 All other curtain walls
3323215Y Metal molding and trim and store fronts, nsk
3323215YWV Metal molding and trim and store fronts, nsk
3323217 Metal combination screen, storm sash and storm doors
33232171 Metal combination screen, storm sash and storm doors
3323217101 Metal storm sash (except combination)
3323217106 Metal combination screen and storm sash
3323217111 Metal storm doors
3323217Y Metal combination screen, storm sash and storm doors, nsk
3323217YWV Metal combination screen, storm sash and storm doors, nsk
3323219 Metal window and door screens (except combination) and metal weather strip
33232191 Metal window and door screens (except combination) and metal weather strip
3323219101 Metal door screens
3323219106 Metal window screens, with metal frames (including tension and roll types)
3323219111 Metal weather strip
3323219Y Metal window and door screens (except combination) and metal weather strip, nsk
3323219YWV Metal window and door screens (except combination) and metal weather strip, nsk
332321W Metal windows and doors, nsk, total
332321WY Metal windows and doors, nsk, total
332321WYWW Metal window and doors, nsk, for nonadministrative-record establishments
332321WYWY Metal windows and doors, nsk, for administrative-record establishments
332322 Sheet metal work
3323221 Sheet metal air-conditioning ducts and stove pipe
33232211 Sheet metal air-conditioning ducts, (including dust collection ducts)
3323221101 Sheet metal work (including dust collection ducts)
3323221106 Aluminum sheet metal work (including dust collection ducts)
33232212 Sheet metal stove pipe, furnace smoke pipe and elbows
3323221211 Steel sheet metal stove pipe, furnace smoke pipe and elbows
3323221216 Aluminum sheet metal stove pipe, furnace smoke pipe and elbows
3323221Y Sheet metal air-conditioning ducts and stove pipe, nsk
3323221YWV Sheet metal air-conditioning ducts and stove pipe, nsk
3323223 Sheet metal culverts, flumes, irrigation pipes, etc.
33232231 Sheet metal culverts, flumes, irrigation pipes, etc.
3323223101 Steel sheet metal work, etc.
3323223106 Aluminum sheet metal work, etc.
3323223111 Other sheet metal work, etc.
3323223Y Sheet metal culverts, flumes, irrigation pipes, etc., nsk
3323223YWV Sheet metal culverts, flumes, irrigation pipes, etc., nsk
3323227 Sheet metal roofing and roof drainage equipment
33232271 Sheet metal roofing, all types
3323227101 Sheet metal roofing, all types
33232272 Sheet metal roof drainage equipment (including eave troughs, etc)
3323227206 Aluminum and other sheet metal roofing, all types
3323227211 Steel sheet metal roof drainage equipment (including eave troughs, etc.)
3323227216 Aluminum sheet metal roof drainage equipment (including eave troughs, etc.)
3323227221 All other sheet metal roof drainage equipment (including eave troughs, etc.)
3323227Y Sheet metal roofing and roof drainage equipment, nsk
3323227YWV Sheet metal roofing and roof drainage equipment, nsk
3323229 Sheet metal flooring and siding
33232291 Steel sheet metal siding
3323229106 Steel sheet metal siding
3323229111 Residential aluminum sheet metal work manufacturing (including mobile homes)
3323229116 Other aluminum sheet metal work manufacturing (commercial, industrial, farm buildings, etc.)
3323229121 Other sheet metal work manufacturing
33232292 Fabricated sheet metal flooring
3323229201 Fabricated sheet metal flooring
3323229Y Sheet metal flooring and siding, nsk
3323229YWV Sheet metal flooring and siding, nsk
332322A Sheet metal awnings, canopies, cornices and soffits
332322A1 Sheet metal awnings, canopies, carports, soffit, shutters, steel and aluminum
332322A101 Steel sheet metal awnings, canopies, carports and patios
332322A106 Aluminum sheet metal awnings, canopies, carports and patios
332322A111 Sheet metal cornices, skylights, domes and copings (steel and aluminum)
332322A116 Sheet metal soffits, fascia and shutters (steel and aluminum)
332322AY Sheet metal awnings, canopies, cornices and soffits, nsk
332322AYWV Sheet metal awnings, canopies, cornices and soffits, nsk
332322C Sheet metal electronic enclosures
332322C1 Steel sheet metal computer and peripheral equipment enclosures
332322C101 Steel sheet metal computer and peripheral equipment enclosures
332322C2 Aluminum sheet metal computer and peripheral equipment enclosures
332322C206 Aluminum sheet metal computer and peripheral equipment enclosures
332322C3 Other sheet metal electronic enclosures (excluding computers), including machine and motor housings, panels and guards, steel and aluminum
332322C311 Other sheet metal electronic enclosures (excluding computers), including machine and motor housings, panels and guards, steel and aluminum
332322CY Sheet metal electronic enclosures, nsk
332322CYWV Sheet metal electronic enclosures, nsk
332322E Other sheet metal work
332322E1 Sheet metal roof ventilators, louvers and dampers for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning, steel and aluminum
332322E101 Sheet metal roof ventilators
332322E106 Sheet metal work for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (steel and aluminum)
332322E2 Steel restaurant and hotel kitchen sheet metal equipment
332322E211 Steel restaurant and hotel kitchen sheet metal equipment
332322E3 Aluminum and other sheet metal work
332322E321 Aluminum restaurant and hotel kitchen sheet metal equipment
332322E326 Other steel sheet metal work
332322E331 Other aluminum sheet metal work
332322E336 Other sheet metal work (metals other than steel or aluminum)
332322EY Other sheet metal work, nsk
332322EYWV Other sheet metal work, nsk
332322F Metal studs, nonload and load-bearing (iron, steel and aluminum)
332322F1 Metal studs, nonload and load-bearing (iron, steel and aluminum)
332322F101 Metal studs, nonload-bearing (iron, steel and aluminum)
332322F102 Metal studs, load-bearing (iron, steel and aluminum)
332322FY Metal studs, nonload and load-bearing (iron, steel and aluminum), nsk
332322FYWV Metal studs, nonload and load-bearing (iron, steel and aluminum), nsk
332322G Other sheet metal work
332322G1 Sheet metal roof ventilators, louvers and dampers for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning
332322G101 Steel and aluminum sheet metal roof ventilators
332322G107 Steel sheet metal work for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning
332322G108 Aluminum sheet metal work for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning
332322G2 Steel restaurant and hotel kitchen sheet metal equipment
332322G211 Steel restaurant and hotel kitchen sheet metal equipment
332322G3 Aluminum and other sheet metal work
332322G321 Aluminum restaurant and hotel kitchen sheet metal equipment
332322G326 Other steel sheet metal work
332322G331 Other aluminum sheet metal work
332322G336 Other sheet metal work (metals other than steel and aluminum)
332322GY Other sheet metal work, nsk
332322GYWV Other sheet metal work, nsk
332322W Sheet metal work, nsk, total
332322WY Sheet metal work, nsk, total
332322WYWW Sheet metal work , nsk for nonadministrative-record establishments
332322WYWY Sheet metal work, nsk for administrative-record establishments
332323 Ornamental and architectural metal work
3323231 Metal grilles, registers and air diffusers
33232311 Other grills, including open mesh partitions
3323231106 Aluminum warm air or air-conditioning grills, registers and air diffusers
3323231111 Other iron and steel grills (including open mesh partitions)
3323231116 Other aluminum grills (including open mesh partitions)
33232312 Iron and steel warm air or air-conditioning grills, registers and air diffusers
3323231201 Iron and steel warm air or air-conditioning grills, registers and air diffusers
3323231Y Metal grilles, registers and air diffusers, nsk
3323231YWV Metal grilles, registers and air diffusers, nsk
3323233 Ornamental and architectural metal work
33232331 Iron, steel and aluminum stairs, staircases and fire escapes
3323233101 Iron and steel stairs, staircases, fire escapes and expanded metal plaster lath
3323233106 Aluminum stairs, staircases, fire escapes and metal plaster base accessories (including corner beads, screens, grounds, etc)
33232332 Fences, gates (other than wire) and railings and window guards, made of aluminum or steel
3323233211 Iron and steel fences and gates (other than wire)
3323233216 Aluminum fences and gates (other than wire)
3323233221 Metal railings and window guards (iron, steel and aluminum, other than wire)
3323233Y Ornamental and architectural metal work, nsk
3323233YWV Ornamental and architectural metal work, nsk
3323235 Open metal flooring, grating and studs
33232351 Open iron, steel and aluminum flooring and grating for building construction
3323235101 Open iron and steel flooring and grating for building construction
3323235106 Open aluminum flooring and grating for building construction
33232352 Studs, nonload and load-bearing iron, steel and aluminum
3323235211 Nonload-bearing studs (iron, steel and aluminum)
3323235216 Load-bearing studs (iron, steel and aluminum)
3323235Y Open metal flooring, grating and studs, nsk
3323235YWV Open metal flooring, grating and studs, nsk
3323236 Open metal flooring, grating and studs
33232361 Open iron, steel and aluminum flooring and grating for building construction
3323236101 Open iron and steel flooring and grating for building construction
3323236106 Open aluminum flooring and grating for building construction
3323236Y Open metal flooring, grating and studs, nsk
3323236YWV Open metal flooring, grating and studs, nsk
3323237 Metal scaffolding and shoring and forming for concrete work
33232371 Metal scaffolding and shoring and forming for concrete work
3323237101 Suspended scaffolding (including midpoint, two-point, multilevel, boatswain chairs, etc.) (iron, steel and aluminum)
3323237106 Access scaffolding, (including tube and coupler system, prefabricated mobil scaffolds, etc.) (iron, steel and aluminum)
3323237111 Shoring (including flying forms, postshores, ellis clamps, reshores, etc.) (iron, steel and aluminum)
3323237116 Forming (including modular, prefabricated custom design, etc.) (iron, steel, aluminum and all other material-metal combinations)
3323237Y Metal scaffolding and shoring and forming for concrete work, nsk
3323237YWV Metal scaffolding and shoring and forming for concrete work, nsk
3323239 Other architectural and ornamental work
33232391 Other aluminum and metal architectural and ornamental work
3323239106 Other aluminum architectural and ornamental work
3323239111 Other metal architectural and ornamental work (other than iron, steel, or aluminum)
33232392 Other iron and steel architectural and ornamental work
3323239201 Other iron and steel architectural and ornamental work
33232393 Metal stalls and corrals
3323239311 Metal stalls and corrals
3323239Y Other architectural and ornamental work, nsk
3323239YWV Other architectural and ornamental work, nsk
332323W Ornamental and architectural metal work, nsk, total
332323WY Ornamental and architectural metal work, nsk, total
332323WYWW Ornamental and architectural metal work, nsk for nonadministrative-record establishments
332323WYWY Ornamental and architectural metal work , nsk, for administrative-record establishments

The Report entitled, Ornamental & architectural metal products manufacturing (Ref: 33232) , contains the above Product and Market breakdown.