Drugs & druggists' sundries merchant wholesalers Lines




Drugs and druggists' sundries merchant wholesalers Product Lines

4242_L10500 Household china, glassware, crockery, and plastic housewares, excluding paper dishes, cups, napkins, and plastic utensils
4242_L10540 Miscellaneous home furnishings, including household containers, flatware, pans, baskets, and kitchen utensils
4242_L10800 Photographic equipment and supplies
4242_L11000 Medical, hospital, and surgical supplies
4242_L1100011011 Surgical and medical instruments and equipment
4242_L1100011012 Orthopedic and prosthetic appliances and supplies
4242_L1100011013 Other surgical, medical, and hospital supplies
4242_L11030 Optical and ophthalmic goods and supplies
4242_L11040 Religious and school supplies
4242_L11050 Miscellaneous professional equipment and supplies
4242_L1105011056 Veterinarians' equipment and supplies
4242_L11400 Electrical apparatus and equipment
4242_L11500 Electric household appliances, including gas clothes dryers
4242_L11700 Hardware
4242_L12320 General-purpose industrial machinery, equipment, and parts
4242_L1232012326 New controlling, recording, and indicating instruments and accessories
4242_L12460 Abrasives, strapping, tapes, inks, and mechanical rubber goods
4242_L1246012462 Abrasives and abrasive materials
4242_L12500 Beauty and barber equipment and supplies
4242_L12520 Janitorial equipment and supplies
4242_L12530 Laundry and dry-cleaning equipment and supplies
4242_L12700 Sporting and recreational goods and supplies
4242_L12800 Toys and hobby goods and supplies
4242_L13000 Jewelry, diamonds, gemstones, and watches
4242_L13150 Miscellaneous durable goods
4242_L13300 Office paper, office supplies, greeting cards, and labels
4242_L13400 Paper and plastic products
4242_L13500 Pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical supplies, cosmetics, and toiletries
4242_L1350013511 Prescription drugs
4242_L1350013512 Nonprescription pharmaceuticals
4242_L1350013513 Cosmetics and beauty supplies
4242_L1350013514 Perfumes
4242_L1350013515 Vitamins and nutritional supplements
4242_L1350013516 Other toiletries and druggists' sundries, including health aids and first aid supplies
4242_L13600 Knit and woven piece goods
4242_L13700 Notions, including buttons, ribbons, lace, sewing accessories, zippers, and bindings
4242_L13800 Men's and boys' wear
4242_L13900 Women's, misses', and girls' wear
4242_L14000 Footwear
4242_L14100 Packaged frozen food
4242_L1410014111 Frozen meals
4242_L1410014114 Frozen fruits and fruit juices
4242_L1410014117 Other frozen foods, excluding frozen dairy products
4242_L14200 Dairy products, excluding dried, canned, condensed, and evaporated dairy products
4242_L14400 Confectioneries
4242_L1440014411 Candy
4242_L1440014412 Chewing gum
4242_L1440014413 Nuts
4242_L1440014414 Chips and popcorn
4242_L14600 Fresh meat and meat products
4242_L1460014618 Other meat products
4242_L14800 Coffee, tea, and spices
4242_L1480014811 Coffee
4242_L1480014812 Tea
4242_L1480014813 Spices
4242_L14820 Bread and baked goods
4242_L1482014822 Cookies, cakes, and other baked goods
4242_L14830 Canned food
4242_L14840 Food and beverage basic materials, including flavoring extracts, fruit peel, sausage casings, hop extract, malt, and yeast
4242_L14850 Soft drinks and bottled water
4242_L1485014851 Packaged soft drinks
4242_L1485014853 Bottled water
4242_L14860 Grocery specialties
4242_L1486014861 Pasta
4242_L1486014862 Breakfast cereals
4242_L1486014863 Cooking oils and margarine
4242_L1486014865 Pickles, preserves, jellies, jams, and sauces
4242_L1486014866 Refined sugar
4242_L1486014867 Pet food
4242_L1486014868 Other grocery specialties
4242_L15300 Plastics materials and basic shapes
4242_L1530015313 Plastics raw materials
4242_L1530015314 Other plastics materials and basic shapes
4242_L15330 Chemicals and allied products, excluding agricultural chemicals, plastics, industrial and natural gases, liquefied petroleum (LP), and petroleum
4242_L15800 Farm supplies
4242_L1580015812 Poultry and livestock feeds, including silage, not mixed on location
4242_L1580015815 Insecticides, fungicides, and pesticides
4242_L1580015816 Other agricultural chemicals and fertilizers
4242_L1580015818 Other farm supplies, including harness and saddlery equipment
4242_L15900 Tobacco and tobacco products
4242_L16100 Books, periodicals, newspapers, and other printed materials
4242_L16120 Art goods, including novelties and souvenirs
4242_L16150 Wigs, yarns, and leather products
4242_L19700 Service receipts and labor charges, including installed parts
4242_L1970019701 Labor charges for repair work
4242_L1970019702 Parts installed in repair work
4242_L1970019703 Other service receipts and labor charges
4242_L19720 Receipts for service contracts
4242_L19810 Miscellaneous commodities
4242_L19940 Rental and operating lease receipts

The Report entitled, Drugs & druggists' sundries merchant wholesalers Lines (Ref: 4242 L) , contains the above Product and Market breakdown.