Other nondepository credit intermediation




Other nondepository credit intermediation

522291 Consumer lending
5222911 Consumer and personal finance companies
5222919 Other personal credit institutions
522292 Real estate credit
5222921 National and Nationally-sponsored credit agencies, primarily real estate credit
5222922 Farm mortgage companies
5222929 Mortgage bankers and loan correspondents
522293 International trade financing
5222931 Agencies of foreign banks, primarily trade finance
5222932 Agreement and edge act corporations, primarily trade finance
5222933 National and Nationally-sponsored credit agencies, primarily trade finance
5222939 International trade credit
522294 Secondary market financing
5222941 National and Nationally-sponsored credit agencies, primarily secondary market financing
5222949 Secondary market financing
522298 All other nondepository credit intermediation
5222981 Pawn shops
5222982 Agencies of foreign banks, primarily commercial finance
5222983 Other National and Nationally-sponsored credit agencies
5222984 Factors
5222985 Agricultural credit (except National or Nationally-sponsored)
5222988 Other business credit institutions
5222989 Other miscellaneous business credit institutions

The Report entitled, Other nondepository credit intermediation (Ref: 52229) , contains the above Product and Market breakdown.