Direct health & medical insurance carriers Lines




Direct health and medical insurance carriers Product Lines

524114_L50110 Life insurance premiums earned - net
524114_L50120 Accident, health, and medical insurance premiums earned - net
524114_L5012050121 Accident insurance premiums earned, including accidental death and dismemberment, and disability income insurance - net
524114_L5012050122 Health and medical insurance premiums earned - net
524114_L50130 Property and casualty direct insurance premiums earned - net
524114_L50170 Other insurance premiums earned - net
524114_L50180 Reinsurance premiums - assumed
524114_L5018050181 Life reinsurance premiums - assumed
524114_L5018050182 Health and medical reinsurance premiums - assumed
524114_L5018050186 Accident reinsurance premiums - assumed
524114_L5018050189 Other reinsurance premiums - assumed
524114_L50190 Annuity revenue, including considerations and annuity fund deposit
524114_L50340 Realized capital gains (losses) on investment accounts
524114_L50480 Other investment income - net
524114_L50840 Fees collected for providing administrative services
524114_L5084050841 Services to Medicare, Medicaid, CHAMPUS
524114_L5084050842 Services to all other parties, including insurance, health plans etc.
524114_L51300 Gross rents from real properties
524114_L59810 Other revenue

The Report entitled, Direct health & medical insurance carriers Lines (Ref: 524114 L) , contains the above Product and Market breakdown.