Individual & family services Miscellaneous Lines




Individual and family services Miscellaneous Product Lines

624190_L30260 Home health care services
624190_L30270 Home hospice care
624190_L30280 Inpatient hospice care
624190_L30310 Nursing home service
624190_L30320 Intermediate care for the mentally retarded
624190_L30380 Residential care, including mental health and substance abuse treatment
624190_L30390 Payments for child care, counseling, community food, temporary shelter, vocational rehab, and related social assistance services provided to individuals and families
624190_L3039030391 Payments for child care, counseling, community food, temp shelter, vocational rehab, and related social assistance serv provided to individuals and families: Gov payers
624190_L3039030392 Payments for child care, counseling, community food, temp shelter, vocational rehab, and related social assistance serv prov to individuals and families: Private payers
624190_L30400 Membership dues
624190_L39000 Merchandise sales
624190_L3900039012 Sales of other merchandise, not specified by type
624190_L39200 Sales of food and beverages
624190_L39500 All other receipts
624190_L3950039506 All other operating receipts
624190_L39700 Contributions, gifts, and grants: Government
624190_L39710 Contributions, gifts, and grants: Private
624190_L39720 Investment income, including interest and dividends
624190_L39730 Gains (losses) from assets sold
624190_L39900 All other revenue
624190_L3990039906 All other revenue

The Report entitled, Individual & family services Miscellaneous Lines (Ref: 624190 L) , contains the above Product and Market breakdown.