28330 - Medicinals & Botanicals (Miscellaneous)
28331 - Synthetic organic medicinal chemicals, in bulk
2833110 - - Antibiotics + all uses such as Veterinary, Food supplements, Food preservation, Crop spraying, etc.
2833120 - - Synthetic organic medicinal chemicals (General) except antibiotics
2833199 - - Synthetic organic medicinal chemicals, in bulk (Miscellaneous)
28333 - Medicinal chemicals & Botanical products, in bulk (General) + Human & Veterinary use, except diagnostics
2833315 - - Botanical drugs: Alkaloids + Opium & Nicotine
2833318 - - Botanical drugs + Glycosides & Ginseng extract (General)
2833323 - - Naturally occurring vitamins: Vitamin C
2833324 - - Naturally occurring vitamin E
2833325 - - Naturally occurring vitamins (General - from Yeast, Fish, Liver, etc.)
2833326 - - Other Naturally occurring vitamins (from Yeast, Fish, Liver, etc.)
2833343 - - Hormones of Animal orgin
2833344 - - Drugs of Animal origin, incl Hormones, Dried glands, Organs & Tissues & Extractions thereof
2833345 - - Drugs of Animal origin (General) + Dried glands, Organs & Tissues & Extractions thereof
2833382 - - Inorganic medicinal chemicals (except diagnostics)
2833392 - - Artificial mixtures of Two medicinal or Botanical substances or more for Therapeutic or Prophylactic uses
2833393 - - Artificial mixtures of Two or more substances for Therapeutic or Prophylactic uses: containing vitamins, but no antibiotics
2833394 - - Artificial mixtures of Two or more substances for Therapeutic or Prophylactic uses: other + those containing antibiotics
2833398 - - Organic medicinal chemicals, except diagnostics
2833399 - - Medicinal chemicals & Botanical products, in bulk (General) + Human & Veterinary use
2833XX0 - - Medicinals & Botanicals (Miscellaneous - Volume)
2833XX2 - - Medicinals & Botanicals (Miscellaneous - Speciality)