36250 - Relays & Industrial controls (Miscellaneous)
36251 - Relays for Electronic circuitry, Industrial control, etc.
3625101 - - Industrial control relays (All voltages, General)
3625103 - - General-purpose electromechanical relays, > 100 MW actuating power & Sealed (Hermetically or Environmentally) 0 - 2.0 amp contact rating
3625104 - - General-purpose electromechanical relays, > 100 MW actuating power & Sealed (Hermetically or Environmentally) > 2.0 - 10.0 amp contact rating
3625105 - - General-purpose electromechanical relays, > 100 MW actuating power & Sealed (Hermetically or Environmentally) >10.0 amp contact rating
3625106 - - General-purpose electromechanical relays, over 100 MW actuating power & not Sealed,0 - 2.0 amp contact rating
3625107 - - General-purpose electromechanical relays, over 100 MW actuating power & not Sealed, >2.0 - 10.0 amp contact rating
3625108 - - General-purpose electromechanical relays, over 100 MW actuating power & not Sealed, >10.0 - 25.0 amp contact rating
3625109 - - General-purpose electromechanical relays, over 100 MW actuating power & not Sealed, >25.0 amp contact rating
3625111 - - General-purpose electromechanical relays,0 - 100 MW actuating power (both Sealed & not Sealed)
3625112 - - Miniature printed circuit mounted electromechanical relays, Sealed (Hermetically or Environmentally) 0 - 2.0 amp contact rating
3625113 - - Miniature printed circuit mounted electromechanical relays, Sealed (Hermetically or Environmentally) >2.0 - 5.0 amp contact rating
3625114 - - Miniature printed circuit mounted electromechanical relays, Sealed (Hermetically or Environmentally) >5.0 amp contact rating
3625116 - - Miniature printed circuit mounted electromechanical relays, not Sealed,0 - 2.0 amp contact rating
3625117 - - Miniature printed circuit mounted electromechanical relays, not Sealed, >2.0 - 5.0 amp contact rating
3625118 - - Miniature printed circuit mounted electromechanical relays, not Sealed, >5.0 amp contact rating
3625119 - - DIP or SIP footprint relays, Sealed (either hermetically or Environmentally)
3625121 - - DIP or SIP footprint relays, not Sealed
3625122 - - Telephone relays, all types, Sealed (either hermetically or Environmentally)
3625123 - - Telephone relays, all types, not Sealed
3625124 - - General-purpose pure solid state relays,0 - 2.0 amp switch rating
3625125 - - General-purpose pure solid state relays, >2.0 - 10.0 amp switch rating
3625126 - - General-purpose pure solid state relays, >10.0 amp switch rating
3625127 - - General-purpose hybrid solid state relays,0 - 2.0 amp switch rating
3625128 - - General-purpose hybrid solid state relays, >2.0 - 10.0 amp switch rating
3625129 - - General-purpose hybrid solid state relays, >10.0 amp switch rating
3625131 - - High performance round & Square can multipole airframe relays & Contactors (All sizes)
3625132 - - High performance military/aerospace/aircraft relays & Contactors, Crystal can types (Sealed) larger than Full size
3625133 - - High performance military/aerospace/aircraft relays & Contactors, Crystal can types (Sealed) Full size
3625135 - - High performance military/aerospace/aircraft relays & Contactors, Crystal can types (Sealed) Half size
3625138 - - High performance military/aerospace/aircraft relays & Contactors, Crystal can types (Sealed) Smaller than Half size (incl TO-5 package)
3625152 - - High performance military/aerospace/aircraft RF, Antenna & Coaxial relays (Sealed & not Sealed, excl reed relays)
3625159 - - Dry reed relays, Miniature size (Glass length > .85 inch)
3625161 - - Dry reed relays, Standard size
3625162 - - Mercury wetted reed relays, Miniature size (Glass length > .85 inch)
3625163 - - Mercury wetted reed relays, Standard size
3625169 - - Stepping switches, Stepping & Impulse relays
3625175 - - Switchgear & Protective relays
3625179 - - Solid-state/EMR combination timing relays (Timers)
3625181 - - Solid-state pure timing relays (Timers)
3625182 - - All other Timing relays (Timers) incl Pneumatic, Motor-driven, Electron
3625191 - - General purpose & other Relays: all other General purpose & Special purpose relays (General)
3625192 - - All other General-purpose & Special-purpose relays (General)
3625196 - - Parts for General-purpose & Special-purpose relays (sold separately)
36252 - Specific purpose industrial controls
3625245 - - Marine auxiliary controls & Accessories
3625247 - - Metal mill control & Accessories (All voltages)
3625248 - - Crane & Hoist controls, Constant & Adjustable voltage, Operators desks & Stations
3625249 - - Definite-purpose contactors & Starters (600 volts or less)
3625251 - - Industrial motion controllers, Stand-alone, Positioning-type computer numerical control
3625255 - - Industrial motion controllers, Stand-alone, Continuous path type computer numerical control
3625257 - - Robotic industrial motion controllers, Stand-alone
3625259 - - Industrial controls: Machine tool applications: Controls for Numerically controlled machine tools: Digital readout systems, incl Dial or Plug board type
3625261 - - Other Stand-alone specific purpose industrial motion controls, Servo-type
3625263 - - Other Stand-alone specific purpose industrial motion controls, Stepper-type
3625264 - - Programmable controller motion modules
3625265 - - Industrial controls: Machine tool applications: Machine tool controls other than Numerically controlled machines
3625266 - - Industrial subordinate bus motion modules
3625268 - - Industrial subordinate chip level motion control devices
3625269 - - Other Industrial subordinate motion control devices
3625271 - - Programmable controllers (sold separately)
3625276 - - Other Specific or Special-purpose AC & DC controllers, other Definite-purpose devices
36253 - General purpose industrial controls
3625301 - - Industrial controls: AC full voltage noncombination starters, 1000 volts or less (excl controls for Packaged adjustable speed drives & Synchronous motor starters)
3625302 - - General-purpose industrial AC full voltage noncombination magnetic starters, 1000 volts or less, designed & Rated to NEMA
3625303 - - Industrial controls: AC full voltage combination starters, 1000 volts or less: Combination starters, (less pumping panels)
3625304 - - General-purpose industrial AC full voltage noncombination magnetic starters, 1000 volts or less, designed & Rated to IEC
3625305 - - Industrial controls: AC full voltage combination starters, 1000 volts or less: Pumping panels
3625306 - - General-purpose industrial disconnect switches, 600 volts or less
3625307 - - Industrial controls: AC full voltage manual controllers, 1000 volts or less
3625308 - - General-purpose ind. AC full voltage combination magnetic starters (less pumping panels) <= 1000 volts, designed & Rated to NEMA
3625309 - - General-purpose ind. AC full voltage combination magnetic starters (less pumping panels) <= 1000 volts, designed & Rated to IEC
3625311 - - General-purpose ind. AC full voltage combination magnetic starter pumping panels, <= 1000 volts, designed & Rated to NEMA
3625312 - - General-purpose ind. AC full voltage combination magnetic starter pumping panels, <= 1000 volts, designed & Rated to IEC
3625313 - - Industrial controls: AC contactors, 1000 volts or less (excl controls for Packaged adjustable speed drives & Synchronous motor controls)
3625314 - - General-purpose industrial AC reduced voltage controls, 1000 volts or less (excl synchronous motor)
3625315 - - General-purpose industrial synchronous motor starters, 1000 volts or less, (incl both Full & Reduced voltage)
3625316 - - General-purpose industrial motor control centers, 1000 volts or less
3625318 - - General-purpose industrial starters & Contactors for Squirrel cage & Wound rotor & Synchronous & Nonsynchronous motors
3625321 - - General-purpose industrial brakes & Clutches
3625323 - - General-purpose industrial AC full voltage manual controllers, 1000 volts or less, designed & Rated to NEMA
3625325 - - General-purpose industrial AC full voltage manual controllers, 1000 volts or less, designed & Rated to IEC
3625327 - - General-purpose industrial AC contactors, 1000 volts or less, designed & Rated to NEMA
3625329 - - General-purpose industrial AC contactors, 1000 volts or less, designed & Rated to IEC
3625332 - - General-purpose industrial electromechanical positioning sensors (Limit switches)
3625333 - - General-purpose industrial movement sensors
3625334 - - General-purpose industrial digital readout systems, incl Dial or Plugboard type
3625335 - - General-purpose industrial nonoptical solid-state proximity positioning sensors
3625336 - - General-purpose industrial optical solid-state proximity positioning sensors
3625337 - - All other General-purpose industrial pilot circuit devices (excl relays & Limit switches)
3625338 - - General-purpose industrial DC power circuit devices (All voltages)
3625339 - - Other General-purpose industrial control sensors (All voltages)
3625341 - - General-purpose industrial pushbuttons, Explosion-proof: Classes 1, 11 & 111 - Division 1
3625342 - - General-purpose industrial pushbuttons, 18 mm & Smaller
3625346 - - General-purpose industrial pushbuttons, 19 mm to 29 mm
3625348 - - General-purpose industrial pushbuttons, 30 mm & larger
3625373 - - General-purpose industrial AC (ECM) motion/position drive amplifiers
3625375 - - General-purpose industrial DC motion/position drive amplifiers
3625377 - - General-purpose industrial stepper motion/position drive amplifiers
3625381 - - General-purpose industrial rheostats & Resistors (except for Electronic applications) sold separately
3625383 - - General-purpose industrial controls for AC package adjustable speed drives
3625384 - - General-purpose industrial controls for DC package adjustable speed drives
3625385 - - General-purpose industrial AC adjustable speed drive systems
3625386 - - General-purpose industrial DC adjustable speed drive systems
3625393 - - General-purpose industrial solid-state motion/position contactors (All voltages)
3625398 - - General-purpose industrial solid-state motion/position controllers (All voltages)
3625399 - - All other General-purpose industrial control devices & Systems
36254 - Parts for Industrial controls & Motor-control accessories
3625491 - - Motor controller accessories for General-purpose industrial controls, incl those items sold separately
3625497 - - Parts for General-purpose industrial controls
3625XX0 - - Relays & Industrial controls (Miscellaneous)
3625XX2 - - Relays & Industrial controls (Miscellaneous : Speciality )
Selected Input Materials & Supplies in the Database