37990 - Transportation equipment (Miscellaneous)
37993 - Golf carts & Industrial in-plant personnel carriers, Self-propelled & Parts
3799382 - - Self-propelled golf carts (Electric & Gasoline powered) for Carrying passengers and/or Industrial in-plant personnel carriers
3799384 - - Parts for Self-propelled golf carts and/or Industrial in-plant personnel carriers
3799399 - - Self-propelled golf carts & Personnel carriers (Miscellaneous)
37994 - Snowmobiles, Self-propelled & Parts
3799492 - - Self-propelled snowmobiles (Electric & Gasoline driven) Ski-supported
3799494 - - Parts for Self-propelled snowmobiles
3799499 - - Self-propelled snowmobiles & Parts (Miscellaneous)
37996 - Automobile & Light truck trailers
3799601 - - Automobile & Light truck horse trailers, excl those pulled by truck tractors
3799602 - - Automobile & Light truck boat trailers
3799603 - - Motorcycle & Snowmobile trailers
3799604 - - Automobile & Light truck mobile equipment trailers
3799607 - - Other Automobile & Light truck trailers, incl General utility, Commercial display, etc., for Transport of Goods
3799608 - - Other Automobile & Light truck trailers, incl General utility, Commercial display, etc., for Transport of Goods
3799609 - - Other Automobile & Light truck trailers, incl General utility, Commercial display, etc., for other Uses
3799630 - - Horse trailers, excl those pulled by truck tractors
3799632 - - Boat trailers
3799634 - - Motorcycle & Snowmobile trailers
3799636 - - Mobile equipment trailers
3799639 - - Trailers: other + General utility, Commercial display, etc.
3799699 - - Automobile & Light truck trailers (Miscellaneous)
37998 - Transportation equipment (General) + all terrain vehicles
3799835 - - Chassis for Automobile & Light truck trailers (except travel & Camping) sold separately
3799851 - - Handcarts & Pushcarts + Parts & Attachments
3799853 - - Wheelbarrows
3799862 - - All terrain vehicles, Gasoline or Electric driven, for Transport of People or Goods designed to traverse all types of Terraain
3799864 - - Parts for all terrain vehicles
3799880 - - Trailer hitches (For travel trailers, Automobile trailers & Light duty truck trailers)
3799882 - - Trailer tongue couplers
3799884 - - Trailer hitch balls
3799886 - - Towbars
3799888 - - Parts for Automobile & Light truck trailers & other Transportation equipment
3799890 - - Transportation equipment (General)
3799899 - - Transportation equipment (Miscellaneous)
37999 - Transportation equipment (General) incl All-terrain vehicles
3799901 - - Self-propelled snowmobiles (Electric & Gasoline driven) Ski-supported
3799902 - - Parts for Self-propelled snowmobiles
3799903 - - All-terrain vehicles, Gasoline or Electric, for Transport of People or Goods designed to traverse all types of Terrain
3799904 - - Parts for Transportation equipment, All-terrain vehicles
3799905 - - Trailer hitches (For travel trailers, Automobile trailers & Light duty truck trailers)
3799906 - - Wheelbarrows
3799919 - - Other Miscellaneous transportation equipment
3799921 - - Parts for Automobile & Light truck trailers & other Transportation equipment
3799923 - - Other Miscellaneous transportation equipment, incl Snowmobiles & Wheelbarrows
3799925 - - Parts for Automobile & Light truck trailers & other Transportation equipment
3799999 - - Transportation equipment (Miscellaneous)
3799XX0 - - Transportation equipment (Miscellaneous - Volume)
3799XX2 - - Transporation equipment (Miscellaneous - Speciality)
Selected Input Materials & Supplies in the Database