
Republic of the Congo - Towns, Cities & Localities in the Database
Where a name is listed more than once, this indicates locations with the same name, or a locality plus another/other administrative or boundary areas; in these circumstances data is available for each area.

Bouenza, Brazzaville (Brazzaville), Brazzaville, Cuvette, Cuvette-Ouest, Djambala (Plateaux), Ewo (Cuvette-Ouest), Gamboma (Plateaux), Impfondo (Likouala), Kinkala (Pool), Kouilou, Lékoumou, Likouala, Loandjili (Kouilou), Loubomo (Niari), Madingou (Bouenza), Makoua (Cuvette), Matsanga (Niari), Mossendjo (Niari), Ngamaba-Mfilou (Kouilou), Niari, Nkayi (Bouenza), Ouesso (Sangha), Owando (Cuvette), Plateaux, Pointe Noire (Kouilou), Pool, Sangha, Sembé (Sangha), Sibiti (Lékoumou), et al.
