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Acquisition Competitor Consumption Distribution Products Notes Methodology Order

Acquisition Manuals

ACQUISITION MANUALS are published for two purposes, firstly to identify a company as a potential acquisition target and secondly, to fully analyze all aspects of that company so that potential purchasers or investors have all the necessary information to enable an objective appraisal.

The Acquisition Manual consists of 20 parts and comprises of approximately 6,000 pages, it is written in concise and explicit terms which provide exactly the right level of information to each department within an interested company. The Acquisition Manual on a target company is arranged as separate volumes so that each management function within the predator company can acquire the precise information necessary for the formulation of forward strategic plans and attack campaign tactics.

Competitor Controls

The REPORT ON COMPETITOR OPPOSITION, INTERDICTION + CONTROL is published for only one reason - to allow a reader to completely understand a specific target company and thereby enable one to tactically and strategically oppose, interdict and control that Competitor.

It is rare that one would simply wish to put a competitor out of business. In the long term it is usually better to control the competitor. To reduce the competitor's income and profitability and thus restrict their ability to develop products or markets; thereafter forcing that competitor into niche products and markets - being those that are most convenient to one's own company. To manoeuvre the competitor in respect of the costs, margins and pricing of their own products so that in effect the competitor becomes an ancillary operation (of one's own company) which is allowed to keep certain low profit or low volume customer sectors or markets. Thus one can cream off the most profitable markets and leave the less profitable ones to the competitor.

World Consumption

The WORLD CONSUMPTION report provides data on the net consumption of Products and Services in each of the countries listed. The Products and Services covered are classified by the 4 or 5-Digit U.S. Commerce Department Major Product Codes and each Product is then further defined and analyzed by each 6 to 10-Digit U.S. Commerce Department Product Codes.

World Distribution

The WORLD DISTRIBUTION report describes the distribution (and by implication the marketing and sales) of Products and Services. The data shows the geographic distribution of products and services that are consumed in the major Cities and Towns PLUS associated Distribution Functions, Structures, Costs and Margins. The Products and Services are classified by the 4 or 5-Digit U.S. Commerce Department Major Products Codes and each Product Line is then further defined and analyzed by each 6 to 10-Digit U.S. Commerce Department Product Line Codes. The distribution data shows product flow through the major Cities and Towns in each of the countries listed.

World Products

The WORLD PRODUCT report analyses the consumption of Raw Materials, Supplies, Components and Services that are used in the production, processing or provision of the products and services covered. The data shows which input supplies & services are consumed by the industry providing the products covered in each of the countries listed. The Product  or Services Industry is classified by the 4 Digit U.S. Commerce Department S.I.C. Code.  The Materials and Supplies consumed are classified by the 6 to 10-Digit U.S. Commerce Department Product Codes.