Ancillary Services |
DataGroup are able to offer clients a number of extremely efficient and cost-effective systems
to improve marketing, sales productivity and overall company profitability:- |
ADVERTISING SYSTEMS Dynamic Budgeting System; Market Saturation; Sales Response; Advertising Efficiency; Media Selection; Application of Dynamic Modelling. |
SELLING SYSTEMS Allocation of Selling Resources; Buying Power Indices; Quality Indices; Index of Sales Activity. |
PERSONAL SELLING Salesforce Size; Territories: Political -v- Geometric territorial subdivision; Ranking of Prospects; Established -v- Potential Customers; Salesforce Back-up Systems. |
CUSTOMER CONTROL SYSTEMS Customer Identification and Control; Customer Credit Control; Customer Back-up Systems. |
DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL SYSTEMS Distribution Channel Identification and Control Systems; Distribution Channel Information Systems; Distribution Channel Support and Back-up Systems. |
DIRECT MAIL A Direct Mail system is available through which you can contact any of millions and millions of companies or individuals. The database contains decision makers' names, titles and specific areas of interest. You can use the Direct Mail system to reach any number of companies or individuals who are relevant to your business interests. This enables your direct mail campaigns to be fast, efficient and guaranteed to reach the people that count. By using your Direct Mail facilities you can establish regular contact with companies and individuals in Europe, the U.S.A. and the Americas, the Far East, Africa, the Middle East and many other markets. The quality, professionalism and presentation of your Direct Mail activity will amaze your clients and will undoubtedly generate a significant amount of additional business. Further this Direct Mail activity is computerized and there are substantial cost savings which enable the use of budgets more effectively. This facility is fully computerized and the package and associated lists, contact names, et cetera are provided by DataGroup. These lists cover:- Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Eire, Finland, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The United Kingdom, The United States, Canada, Mexico, Japan, India, Australia, New Zealand, Certain South American Countries, Certain African Countries, The Middle East, Certain Mediterranean Countries. |
PRESS & MEDIA All organizations need a quick and efficient Public Relations system which can be used at various levels within an organization, be it to announce New Products, Newly won contracts, New Management, Forthcoming Events, Financial results; or to advertise Trade Literature, Catalogues; or to simply provide News, Reviews, Articles, et cetera. P.R. is always urgent, critical and essential to any organization. This package contains a comprehensive guide to the Press, Media and Public Relations aspects of promoting products and services in all the countries covered:- Press and Media lists: Access to a Press and Media list covering all the P.R. targets for each country. Details given include: Name of the responsible Editor, Full Address, Email, Telephone and Fax numbers, Areas of interest, et cetera. Multinational and Multi-lingual Automated P.R. Systems: Multinational and Multi-lingual P.R. System which all users of word processors or computer systems (micro, mini or mainframe) can (at little or no cost) implement on their own systems. In-House P.R. Systems: Details of a P.R. System which users can quickly and effectively implement and use. A Comprehensive P.R. Guide: A comprehensive P.R. guide and manual to enable users to produce their own P.R. efficiently and cheaply. |
ON-LINE SERVICES We can currently offer clients the following two on-line database facility options: 1. Direct On-line access to one of our computers. 2. On-line access to a network facility. Various networks are currently available to clients. The databases to be accessed can be held at a computer facility of one of the above companies in the Client's own country. Client wishing On-line facilities have to guarantee an annual spend of at least €50,000 per year. Of this fee 50% is payable in advance. In consideration of this fee we will provide clients with the following facilities:- 1. Any number of our Databases, computer products, software, et cetera to a RETAIL value of €80,000. Thus clients are receiving €80,000 worth of products for a discounted cost of €50,000. 2. In the event of Option 1: Unlimited access to our computer. In the event of Option 2: Negotiated access to Networks If clients are interested in On-line facilities and would be prepared to guarantee an annual spend of €50,000 then please contact us for an On-line manual. The On-line manual provides full details of our facilities. On-line manuals cost €45. |
MAILING / PURCHASE / MEDIA LIST Our Mailing and Media Lists are held on computer and we can generate individual lists specifically for clients. In general we can provide mailing (prospect) or sourcing (purchasing) lists specifically to order, thus clients can order a list by SIC Classification or by Product (e.g.. all the companies selling Resistors in the USA, or all those buying Resistors in the EU). We can also sort lists: E.g.. by size of company, number of employees, geographic area, et al. Our Media lists are provided by TYPE of publication (E.g.. All the Electronics magazines in Europe or all the Women's' magazines in the USA). We supply lists on Digital media or Computer Labels. The lists may be used as often as needed. There are no restrictions on usage. Lists: Our average cost is €250 per 1,000 addresses (Sorted). Mailing Services: Europe: Average cost per item €0.45 (Postage (60gms) Envelope & Inserting: Print extra or provided by client) Other Countries: Specifically quoted. Other Services: Personalized type-written letters: €0.25 per letter (client to provide their notepaper) Translations: Specifically quoted. Minimum Order: There is a minimum order value of €2000. Print: Please either supply us with your print and/or notepaper for insertion or we can quote you for printing from your artwork. If you would like to order any of the lists or services please contact your usual DataGroup company. |