- Opposition ... how to oppose & overcome a competitor in each of their markets & customer bases.
- Interdiction ... how to interdict & confine a competitor in all aspects of business planning & aspirations.
- Control ... how to control & dominate a competitor in their operations and product or resource development.
The REPORT ON COMPETITOR OPPOSITION, INTERDICTION + CONTROL allows a reader to completely understand a specific target company and thereby enable one to tactically and strategically oppose, interdict and control that Competitor.
It is rare that one would simply wish to put a competitor out of business. In the long term it is usually better to control the competitor. To reduce the competitor's income and profitability and thus restrict their ability to develop products or markets; thereafter forcing that competitor into niche products and markets - being those that are most convenient to one's own company. To manoeuvre the competitor in respect of the costs, margins and pricing of their own products so that in effect the competitor becomes an ancillary operation (of one's own company) which is allowed to keep certain low profit or low volume customer sectors or markets. Thus one can cream off the most profitable markets and leave the less profitable ones to the competitor.
The REPORT ON COMPETITOR OPPOSITION, INTERDICTION + CONTROL is a unique compendium on how to succeed against a Competitor:-
- 5,400 pages in 7 Volumes
- Online database with optional DVD or Memory Stick
- The competitor - dissected
- Every conceivable What if...? scenario explored
- Historic Data from 2007 and Forecasts to 2028 & 2046
- Detailed checklists
- Reader worksheets
- Unlimited telephone hot line support
- Unlimited telephone conferences with the editors
- 'Option to Buy' & Contents & Index service
- Databases available as spreadsheets (Access & Excel)
- In-house War gaming seminars
- Corporate Attack P.R. package
- On-going Combat Training for executives
In short... the Competitor is defenceless!
Competitor Control Reports are available in 8-24 hours.
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