The Government Contractor's Glossary
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- ABC inventory system
- Inventory system that classifies items into categories based on sales or
profits generated for each category for a specified period.
- Accelerated Cost
Recovery System (ACRS)
- A system of computing and allocating depreciation of property and
equipment over one or more periods as prescribed by the Internal Revenue Code.
- Accounting equation
- A mathematical expression used to describe the relationship between the
assets, liabilities and owner's equity of the business model. The basic
accounting equation states that assets equal liabilities and owner's equity,
but can be modified by operations applied to both sides of the equation, e.g.,
assets minus liabilities equal owner's equity.
- Accrual basis of accounting
- An accounting basis wherein revenue and expenses are recorded in the
period in which they are earned or incurred regardless of whether cash is
received or disbursed in that period. This is the accounting basis that
generally is required to be used in order to conform to generally accepted
accounting principles (GAAP) in preparing financial statements for external
- Accumulating costs
- The collecting of cost data in an organized manner, such as through a
system of accounts. (FAR 31.001)
- Acquisition
- The acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services
(including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through
purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence
or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. (FAR 2.101)
- Actual cost
- An amount determined on the basis of cost incurred as distinguished from
forecasted cost. (FAR 30.301)
- Administrative change
- A unilateral contract change, in writing, that does not affect the
substantive rights of the parties. (FAR 43.101)
- Administrative
contracting officer (ACO)
- A contracting
officer having responsibility for the administration of one or more
particular contracts. In some cases the term is used to identify a contracting
officer who specializes in performing contract administration functions.
- Advance agreement
- An agreement negotiated in advance of the incurrence of a particular cost
by a contractor specifying how that cost will be treated for purposes of
determining its allowability (and thus its allocability) to Government
contracts. An advance agreement may be negotiated before or during a contract
(but before the incurrence of the subject cost), and must be in writing. For a
given contractor, advance agreements may be specific to a particular contract,
a group of contracts, or all the contracts of a contracting office, an agency
or several agencies. (See FAR 31.109)
- Advance payment
- An advance of money made by the Government to a contractor prior to, in
anticipation of, and for the purpose of performance under a contract or
contracts. (ASPM-Appendix B)
- Affiliates
- Business concerns, organizations, or individuals are affiliates of each
other if, directly or indirectly, (a) either one has the power to control the
other, or (b) a third party controls or has the power to control both. Indicia
of control include, but are not limited to, interlocking management or
ownership, identity of interests among family members, shared facilities and
equipment, common use of employees, or a business entity organized following
the debarment, suspension
or proposed debarment of a contractor which has the same or similar
management, ownership, or principal employees as the contract or that was
debarred, suspended or proposed for debarment. (FAR 9.403) A similar, although
more detailed, definition has been formulated by the Small
Business Administration for use in applying the small business size
standards under the SBA's 8(a) program.
- Affirmative action program
- A contractor's program that complies with Department of Labor regulations
to assure equal opportunity in employment to minorities and women. (FAR
- Agency supplements
- Regulations issued by individual Federal Government agencies for the
purpose of implementing or supplementing the basic Federal Acquisition
Regulation. An example is the Department of Defense Federal Acquisition
Regulation Supplement (DFARS).
- Allocable cost
- A cost which is assignable or chargeable to one or more cost objectives in
accordance with the relative benefits received or other equitable
relationships defined or agreed to between contractual parties. (ASPM-Appendix
- Allocate
- To assign an item of cost, or a group of items of cost, to one or more
cost objectives. This term includes both direct assignment of cost and the
reassignment of a share from an indirect cost pool. (FAR 31.001)
- Allocation base
- The base used for determining the allocation rate for an indirect cost
pool. The result that obtains from dividing the total of the indirect cost
pool by the allocation base is the indirect cost rate for that pool.
- Allowable cost
- A cost which meets the tests of reasonableness and allocability, is in
consonance with standards
promulgated by the Cost Accounting Standards Board (if applicable), or
otherwise conforms to generally accepted accounting principles, specific
limitations or exclusions set forth in FAR 31, or agreed-to terms between
contractual parties. (ASPM-Appendix B)
- Annual funding
- The current Congressional practice of limiting authorizations and
appropriations to one fiscal year at a time. (FAR 17.101)
- Any-quantity rates
- Quoted "per item" rates for goods or services that do not vary according
to the quantity ordered.
- Armed
Services Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA)
- The executive branch entity responsible for deciding appeals of contracting
officers' decisions with respect to contracts for the acquisition
by the Department of Defense of supplies and services, other than those
related to automated data processing.
- Asset-based lending
- The practice of making loans that use assets such as receivables and
inventory as collateral for the loan. In asset-based lending, the quality of
the collateral becomes preeminent in determining the creditworthiness of the
- Audit
- The systematic examination of records and documents and the securing of
other evidence by confirmation, physical inspection, or otherwise, for one or
more of the following purposes: determining the propriety or legality of
proposed or consummated transactions, ascertaining whether all transactions
have been recorded and are reflected accurately in accounts; determining the
existence of recorded assets and inclusiveness of recorded liabilities;
determining the accuracy of financial or statistical statements or reports and
the fairness of the facts they present; determining the degree of compliance
with established policies and procedures relative to financial transactions
and business management; and appraising an accounting system and making
recommendations concerning it. (ASPM-Appendix B)
- Audit (of financial
- An examination of the accounting records of a business, by a certified
public accountant, leading to the expression of an opinion on the fairness of
its financial statements.
- Audit trail
- The evidence of actions (whether automated or manual) performed upon data
from original documents to final disposition. The existence of a reliable,
easy-to-follow audit trail is considered one indication of good internal
control in an organization.
- Automated clearing house
- A facility used by financial institutions to distribute electronic debit
and credit entries to bank accounts and settle such entries. Under the
automated clearinghouse system, banks exchange checks and drafts drawn upon
each other and settle their daily balances.
- Balance sheet
- A financial statement comprising a listing of the assets, liabilities and
owner's equity of a business as of a particular date. Under the accounting
equation, assets are always equal to (and thus in balance with)
liabilities and owner's equity; hence, the term "balance sheet."
- Bank acceptance
- A draft for money drawn on and payable by a bank.
- Banker's acceptance
- A short term credit instrument consisting of a bill of exchange draft,
payable at maturity, which is drawn by a creditor against his or her debtor. A
banker's acceptance is often used by persons in international trade and may be
sold on market at a discount.
- An acronym for "Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code", a
high-level computer language that is especially popular in the personal
computer environment. As implied by its name, BASIC is often used by beginning
programmers in learning how to program, although modern implementations of the
language are very powerful.
- Basic ordering agreement
- A written instrument of understanding, negotiated between an agency,
contracting activity, or contracting office and a contractor, that contains
(1) terms and clauses applying to future contracts (orders) between the
parties during its term, (2) a description, as specific as practicable, of
supplies or services to be provided, and (3) methods for pricing, issuing, and
delivering future orders under the basic ordering agreement. A basic ordering
agreement is not a contract. (FAR 16.703)
- Batch processing
- A serial form of processing in which groups or batches of transactions are
gathered over a period of time and input to the system. Batch processing
stands in contrast to real time processing in which information is processed
immediately upon initial input. Batch processing is often preferred because it
typically costs less to perform.
- Best and final offer (BAFO)
- For negotiated procurements, a contractor's final offer issued upon
request by the contracting
officer after the contractor has been notified that discussions have been
concluded. Requests for best and final offers normally are issued only to
contractors who have been determined to be within the competitive
range via the proposal evaluation process.
- Bid and proposal (B&P) cost
- The cost incurred in preparing, submitting, or supporting any bid or
proposal which effort is neither sponsored by a grant, nor required in the
performance of a contract. (FAR 30.301)
- Bid guarantee
- A form of security assuring that the bidder (a) will not withdraw a bid
within the period specified for acceptance and (b) will execute a written
contract and furnish required bonds, including any necessary coinsurance or
reinsurance agreements, within the time specified in the bid, unless a longer
time is allowed, after receipt of the specified forms. (FAR 28.001)
- Billing lag
- The time lag between the incurrence of contract costs and the submission
of an invoice to the Government. A billing lag generally results from the
inability to physically bill a contract until the necessary accounting data
has been processed; the term is most often associated with the billing of
invoices for time-and-materials
and cost-plus contracts.
- Billing rate
- An indirect cost rate (a) established temporarily for interim
reimbursement of incurred indirect costs and (b) adjusted as necessary pending
establishment of final indirect cost rates. (FAR 42.701)
- Bill of materials
- A descriptive and quantitative listing of materials, supplies, parts, and
components required to produce a designated complete end-item of material or
assembly or subassembly. May also show estimated costs or fixed prices.
(ASPM-Appendix B)
- Binary number system
- A system of representing numbers using only 0 and 1; also known as "base
- Book value
- An accounting term used to describe the original cost of an asset less
accumulated depreciation, depletion or amortization; also called net book
- Breakeven point
- The sales volume at which total revenue equals total costs.
- Breakeven analysis
- The process of computing a company's breakeven
point for a given set of assumptions regarding the company's levels of
fixed costs and variable
- Broad form coverage
- A term used to describe comprehensive extended insurance coverage that
often covers losses resulting from breakage of glass, falling objects, weight
of snow, ice or sleet and water damage.
- Bulk funding
- A system whereby a contracting
officer receives authorization from a fiscal and accounting officer to
obligate funds on purchase documents against a specified lump sum of funds
reserved for the purpose for a specified period of time rather than obtaining
individual obligational authority on each purchase document. (FAR 13.101)
- Business logistics
- A term used to describe the management of all activities that facilitate
movement and coordination of supply and demand in the creation of time and
place utility of goods.
- Business unit
- Any segment of an organization, or an entire business organization which
is not divided into segments. (FAR 31.001)
- Buying-in
- Submitting an offer below anticipated costs, expecting to (a) increase the
contract amount after award; or (b) receive follow-on contracts at an
artificially high price to recover losses incurred on the buy-in contract.
(FAR 3.101-4)
- Capital stock
- The shares in a corporation representing a percentage of ownership in the
- Capitalization of earnings
- A method used in valuing a business that assumes the business will yield
constant, regular earnings (sometimes called "normalized earnings"). The value
of the business is determined by multiplying the normalized earnings figure by
a capitalization rate that is essentially the reciprocal of the rate of return
desired by the investor.
- Cash basis of accounting
- The accounting basis in which revenue and expenses are recorded in the
period they are actually received or expended in cash. Use of the cash basis
generally is not considered to be in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles (GAAP) and is therefore used only in selected
situations, such as for very small
businesses and (when permitted) for income tax reporting.
- Cash collateral account
- An account in the name of a borrower that serves as a clearing account
with its bank, usually for the purpose of securing and servicing an
indebtedness. With a cash collateral account, money is deposited in a lockbox
account; when the funds are collected and the deposits have cleared, the debt
served by the account is reduced. A cash collateral account cannot be drawn
upon like a checking account and essentially is considered a zero balance
- Causal forecasting models
- A forecasting model where reliance is placed upon highly refined and
specific information about the relationships between the factor to be forecast
and other factors, such as related business and socioeconomic factors.
- Certificate of Competency
- A certificate issued by the Small
Business Administration (SBA) stating that the holder is responsible (with
respect to all elements of responsibility, including but not limited to
capability, competency, capacity, credit, integrity, perseverance, and
tenacity) for the purpose of receiving and performing a specific Government
contract. (FAR 19.601)
- Certificate of
current cost and pricing data
- A form of certification as set forth in FAR 15.804-4 that must be executed
by a contractor certifying the contractor's current cost and pricing data when
required to do so under FAR 15.804-2.
- Certified cost and pricing
- Cost and pricing data that has been certified as accurate, complete, and
current as of the date of price agreement between the Government and the
contractor by execution of a certificate
of current cost and pricing data.
- Change order
- A written order, signed by the contracting
officer, directing the contractor to make a change that the Changes clause
authorizes the contracting officer to order without the contractor's consent.
(FAR 43.101)
- Channel of distribution
- The route taken by the title of ownership of goods and services as they
move from the producer to the ultimate consumer, or business user.
- Civilian Agency
Acquisition Council (CAAC)
- A group composed of representatives of the Departments of Agriculture,
Commerce, Energy, Health and Human Services, Interior, Labor, State,
Transportation, Treasury and Veterans Affairs, the Environmental Protection
Agency, and the Small
Business Administration, which is charged with maintenance of the Federal
Acquisition Regulation (FAR) on a joint basis with the Defense Acquisition
Regulatory Council (DARC).
- Claim
- A written demand or written assertion by one of the contracting parties
seeking, as a matter of right, the payment of money in a sum certain, the
adjustment or interpretation of contract terms, or other relief arising under
or relating to the contract. A claim arising under a contract, unlike a claim
relating to that contract, is a claim that can be resolved under a contract
clause that provides for the relief sought by the claimant. However, a written
demand or written assertion by the contractor seeking the payment of money
exceeding $50,000 is not a claim under the Contract Disputes Act of 1978 until
certified as required under the Act and [FAR] 33.207. A voucher, invoice, or
other routine request for payment that is not in dispute when submitted is not
a claim. The submission may be converted to a claim, by written notice to the
officer as provided at [FAR] 33.206(a), if it is disputed either as to
liability or amount or is not acted upon in a reasonable time. (FAR 33.201)
- Clarification
- As used in FAR 15.6, "Contracting by Negotiation: Source Selection", means
communication with an offeror for the purpose of eliminating minor
irregularities, informalities, or apparent clerical mistakes in the proposal.
It is achieved by explanation or substantiation, either in response to
Government inquiry or as initiated by the offeror. Unlike discussion,
clarification does not give the offeror an opportunity to revise or modify its
proposal, except to the extent that correction of apparent clerical mistakes
results in a revision. (FAR 15.601)
- Classified information
- Any information or material, regardless of its physical form or
characteristics, that is owned by the United States Government, and determined
pursuant to Executive Order 12356, April 2, 1982 or prior orders to require
protection against unauthorized disclosure, and is so designated. (FAR
- An acronym for "Common Business Oriented Language"; a high-level computer
language often used for business applications.
- Cognizant audit agency
- The audit agency having responsibility, as determined under the
administrative principles enumerated in FAR 42, for performing contract audits
of a contractor. Such audit agencies include the Defense Contract Audit Agency
(DCAA) of the Department of the Defense and the Office of the Inspector
General (OIG) for each of the various civilian departments.
- Collection period
- The average number of days it takes a business to collect its accounts
- Competition In
Contracting Act (CICA)
- A public law enacted for the purpose of increasing the number of
Government procurements conducted under the principles of full and fair
competition, as opposed to contracts that are issued under noncompetitive
arrangements such as "sole
source" or "set-aside" awards.
- Commerciality
- One of two conditions which must be met if an item is to qualify for the
established catalog or market price requirement for the submission of cost or
pricing data. A commercial item (which may be either supplies or services) if
of a class or kind that is (1) regularly used for other than Government
purposes, and (2) sold or traded in the course of conducting normal business
operations. (The other condition that the item be sold in substantial
quantities to the general public is met when the facts support a reasonable
conclusion that the quantities regularly sold to other than affiliates
of the seller for end use by other than the Government agencies are sufficient
to constitute a real commercial product.) (ASPM-Appendix B)
- Commercial paper
- Bills of exchange (drafts), promissory notes, bank checks, and other
negotiable instruments for the payment of money, which are such instruments by
virtue of their form.
- Comparability
- A condition that exists between an offered price and some other price
against which it is compared. This condition is necessary for effective price
comparison and exists when all price related differences have been identified
and accounted for so that prices being compared are based on relatively equal
assumptions. (ASPM-Appendix B)
- Compensated personal absence
- Any absence from work for any reason such as illness, vacation, holidays,
jury duty, military training, or personal activities for which an employer
pays compensation directly to an employee in accordance with a plan or custom
of the employer. (FAR 31.001)
- Competition
- An environment of varying dimensions relating to buy-sell relationships in
which the buyer induces, stimulates, or relies on conditions in the
marketplace that cause independent sellers to contend confidently for the
award of a contract. (ASPM-Appendix B)
- Competitive proposals
- A competitive procurement that (1) is initiated by a request for
proposals, which sets out the Government's requirements and the criteria for
evaluation of offers, (2) contemplates the submission of timely proposals by
the maximum number of possible offerors, (3) usually provides discussions with
those offerors found to be within the competitive
range, and (4) concludes with the award of a contract to the one offeror
whose offer is most advantageous to the Government, considering only price and
the other factors included in the solicitation. (ASPM-Appendix B)
- Competitive range
- A range appropriate to the post-evaluation, pre-award phase of competitive
procurements. Determined by the contracting
officer on the basis of price, cost, or technical or other salient
factors. Unless excepted by circumstances prescribed by regulations, the
contracting officer must conduct written or oral discussions with all
responsible offerors who submit proposals within the competitive range.
(ASPM-Appendix B)
- Compilation (of
financial statements)
- The process whereby an accountant presents, in the form of financial
statements, information that is the representation of management (owners),
without undertaking to express any assurance on the statements.
- Completed contract
method of accounting
- A method of revenue recognition for long-term contracts (i.e., contract
which span more than one accounting period) whereby the total contract revenue
and related cost of performance are recognized in the period in which the
contract is completed. This method stands in contrast to the
percentage-of-completion method of accounting and is most often used when
significant uncertainty exists with respect to the total cost of performing
the contract and, accordingly, the ultimate amount of profit to be recognized
- Constructive change
- During contract performance, an oral or written act or omission by the contracting
officer or other authorized Government official, which is of such a nature
that it is construed to have the same effect as a written change
order. (ASPM-Appendix B)
- Contingent fee
- Any commission, percentage, brokerage, or other fee that is contingent
upon the success that a person or concern has in securing a Government
contract. (FAR 3.104-4)
- Contract
- A mutually binding legal relationship obligating the seller to furnish
supplies or services (including construction) and the buyer to pay for them.
(FAR 2.101)
- Contract administration office
- An office that performs (a) assigned post-award functions related to the
administration of contracts and (b) assigned pre-award functions. (FAR 2.101)
- Contracting
- Purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwise obtaining supplies or services
from nonfederal sources. Contracting includes description of supplies and
services required, selection and solicitation of sources, preparation and
award of contracts, and all phases of contract administration. It does not
include grants or cooperative agreements. (FAR 2.101)
- Contracting activity
- An element of an agency designated by the agency head and delegated broad
authority regarding acquisition
functions. (FAR 2.101)
- Contracting office
- An office that awards or executes a contract for supplies or services and
performs post-award functions not assigned to a contract administration
office. (FAR 2.101)
- Contracting officer
- A person with the authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate
contracts and make related determinations and findings. The term includes
certain authorized representatives of the contracting officer acting within
the limits of their authority as delegated by the contracting officer. "Administrative
contracting officer (ACO)" refers to a contracting officer who is
administering contracts. "Termination
contracting officer (TCO)" refers to a contracting officer who is settling
terminated contracts. A single contracting officer may be responsible for may
be responsible for duties in any or all of these areas. Reference in [the FAR]
to administrative contracting officer or termination contracting officer does
not (a) require that a duty be performed at a particular office or activity or
(b) restrict in any way a contracting officer in the performance of any duty
properly assigned. (FAR 2.101)
- Contracting
officer's technical representative (COTR)
- Term used to describe an individual possessing specialized technical
expertise relevant to a specific procurement for the purpose of assisting the
officer in evaluating various contract matters and who acts as a liaison
between the contracting officer and the contractor concerning technical
- Contract modification
- Any written change in the terms of a contract. (FAR 43.101)
- Contractor-acquired property
- Property acquired or otherwise provided by the contractor for performing a
contract and to which the Government has title. (FAR 45.101)
- Contractor team arrangement
- An arrangement in which (a) two or more companies form a partnership or
joint venture to act as potential prime contractor; or (b) A potential prime
contractor agrees with one or more other companies to have them act as its
subcontractors under a specified Government contract or acquisition
program. (FAR 9.601)
- Contribution margin
- A term used to describe the amount of gross profit from each sale that
contributes towards covering fixed costs and profits. The contribution margin
is equal to revenue less variable
costs and may be expressed as a total, unit amount, or ratio.
- Core time
- In a flexible time program, core time is the period when all employees
must be present.
- Corporate
administrative contracting officer (CACO)
- A contracting
officer having overall administrative contracting responsibility, i.e., on
a corporate-wide basis, for certain contractors with two or more operational
locations, each of which has a resident administrative
contracting officer assigned. The assignment of a CACO generally is for
the purpose of achieving consistency and efficiency in the contract
administration function. (See FAR 42.601 et seq.)
- Cost accounting standards
- Specific accounting policies prescribed by the Cost Accounting Standards
Board (CASB) to ensure consistency in the application of cost accounting
principles to Government contracts. The cost accounting standards are
enumerated in FAR 30, along with the criteria that dictate which contractors
are subject to their application.
- Cost Accounting Standards
- A body established for the purpose of establishing Government cost
accounting standards (CAS).
- Cost analysis
- The review and evaluation of the separate cost elements and proposed
profit of (a) an offeror's or contractor's cost or pricing data and (b) the
judgmental factors applied in projecting from the data to the estimated costs
in order to form an opinion on the degree to which the proposed costs
represent what the cost of the contract should be, assuming reasonable economy
and efficiency. (FAR 15.801)
- Cost and pricing data
- All facts as of the date of price agreement that prudent buyers and
sellers would reasonably expect to affect price negotiations significantly.
Cost or pricing data are factual, not judgmental, and are therefore
verifiable. While they do not indicate the accuracy of the prospective
contractor's judgment about estimated future costs or projections, they do
include the data forming the basis for that judgment. Cost or pricing data are
more than historical accounting data; they are all the facts that can be
reasonably expected to contribute to the soundness of estimates of future
costs and to the validity of determination of costs already incurred. They
also include such factors as (a) vendor quotations; (b) nonrecurring costs;
(c) information on changes in production methods and in production or
purchasing volume; (d) data supporting projections of business prospects and
objectives and related operations costs; (e) unit-cost trends such as those
associated with labor efficiency; (f) make or buy decisions; (g) estimated
resources to attain business goals; and (h) information on management
decisions that could have a significant bearing on costs. (FAR 15.801)
- Cost input
- The cost, except general and administrative (G&A) expenses, which for
contracting purposes is allocable to the production of goods and services
during a cost
accounting period. (FAR 31.001)
- Cost objective
- A function, organizational subdivision, contract, or other work unit for
which cost data are desired and for which provision is made to accumulate and
measure the cost of processes, products, jobs, capitalized projects, etc. (FAR
30.301, 31.001)
- Cost of capital
committed to facilities
- An imputed cost determined by applying a cost of money rate to individual
facilities capital. (FAR 31.001)
- Cost of money
- An imputed cost determined by applying a cost-of-money rate to facilities
capital employed in contract performance, or to an investment in tangible
and intangible
assets while they are being constructed, fabricated or developed for the
contractor's own use. Although technically not a recovery of interest, as
specifically expressed in FAR 31.205-10, cost of money is intended to
compensate a contractor for the capital cost of employing certain facilities
in the performance of contracts, and therefore has many of the characteristics
of a reimbursement for interest. A cost of money provision is allowable only
if the contractor's capital investment is accounted for in accordance with the
relevant Cost
Accounting Standards and is specifically identified or proposed in the
contractor's cost proposal for a given contract. (See FAR 31.201-10)
- Cost-plus-award-fee
(CPAF) contract
- A cost-reimbursement contract which provides for a fee consisting of (1) a
base amount fixed at inception of the contract and (2) an award amount that
the contractor may earn in whole or in part during performance and that is
sufficient to provide motivation for excellence in such areas as quality,
timeliness, technical ingenuity, and cost effective management. The amount of
the award fee to be paid is determined by the Government's judgmental
evaluation of the contractor's performance in terms of the criteria stated in
the contract. This determination is made unilaterally by the Government and is
not subject to the disputes clause. (FAR 16.404-2)
- Cost-plus-fixed-fee
(CPFF) contract
- A cost-reimbursement contract which provides payment to the contractor of
a negotiated fee that is fixed at the inception of the contract. The fixed fee
does not vary with actual
cost, but may be adjusted as a result of changes in the work to be
performed under the contract. This contract type permits contracting for
efforts that might otherwise present too great a risk to contractors, but it
provides the contractor only a minimum incentive to control costs. (FAR
- Cost-plus-incentive-fee (CPIF)
- A cost-reimbursement contract that provides for the initially negotiated
fee to be adjusted later by a formula based on the relationship of total allowable
costs to total target costs. This contract type specifies a target cost, a
target fee, minimum and maximum fees, and a fee adjustment formula. After
contract performance, the fee payable to the contractor is determined in
accordance with the formula. The formula provides, within limits, for
increases in fee above target fee when total allowable costs are less than
target costs, and decreases in fee below target fee when total allowable costs
exceed target costs. This increase or decrease is intended to provide an
incentive for the contractor to manage the contract effectively. When total
allowable cost is greater than or less than the range of costs within which
the fee adjustment formula operates, the contractor is paid total allowable
costs, plus the minimum or maximum fee. (FAR 16.404-1)
- Cost-reimbursement contract
- A type of contract which provides for payment of allowable incurred costs,
to the extent prescribed in the contract. These contracts establish an
estimate of total cost for the purpose of obligating funds and establishing a
ceiling that the contractor may not exceed (except at its own risk) without
the approval of the contracting
officer. (FAR 16.301-1)
- Cost-sharing contract
- A cost-reimbursement contract in which the contractor receives no fee and
is reimbursed only for an agreed-upon portion of its allowable costs. (FAR
- Currently performing
- A contractor has been awarded a contract, but has not yet received final
notification of acceptance of all supplies, services, and data deliverable
under this contract (including options). (FAR 30.301)
- Cycle count
- In a perpetual inventory system, a test count of certain product lines or
items taken on a periodic basis. This physical method is used to determine the
accuracy of the perpetual inventory quantities and to control shrinkage
- Cycles of exchange
- The period of time between the acquisition
of goods and services for resale and the time funds received in payment from
the sale of these goods and services are used to acquire replacement goods and
- Data base management
system (DBMS)
- Term used to describe software that organizes, catalogues, locates,
retrieves and maintains data in a data base.
- Debarment
- An action taken by a debarring official under FAR 9.406 to exclude a
contractor from Government contracting or Government approved subcontracting
for a reasonable specified period. (FAR 9.403)
- Debt service ratios
- Measurements used to assess a company's ability to repay debt. Some common
debt service ratios include the following:
- Times interest earned
Earnings before interest and taxes
(EBIT) divided by interest expense (measures a company's ability to generate
sufficient funds to pay interest expense)
- Total debt coverage
EBIT divided by the sum of debt
principal and interest payments required (measures a company's ability to
service its total debt burden)
- Overall coverage ratio
EBIT divided by the sum of all
required debt principal and interest and lease payments (a more conservative
measure of a company's ability to meet its fixed commitments)
- Defective cost or pricing data
- Certified
cost or pricing data subsequently found to have been inaccurate,
incomplete, or noncurrent as of the effective date of the certificate. In this
case, the Government is entitled to an adjustment of the negotiated price,
including profit or fee, to exclude any significant sum by which the price was
increased because of the defective data, provided the data were relied upon by
the Government (ASPM-Appendix B)
- Defense
Acquisition Regulatory Council (DARC)
- A group composed of representatives from each Military department, the
Defense Logistics Agency and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
that is charged with maintenance of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
on a joint basis with the Civilian Agency Acquisition Council (CAAC).
- Defense Contract Audit
Agency (DCAA)
- The audit agency responsible for carrying out the audit
function for contracts with the Department of Defense. The DCAA is probably
the best known and most influential of the various Government audit agencies.
It has broad authority to perform a variety of contract audits as well as to
assist in reviewing and evaluating contract cost, pricing, performance and
administration. The DCAA also makes its services available to those civilian
departments needing such assistance.
- Defense contractor
- Any person who enters into a contract with the United States for the
production of material or performance of services for the national defense.
(FAR 30.301)
- Defense subcontractor
- Any person other than the United States who contracts, at any tier, to
perform any part of a defense contractor's contract. (FAR 30.301)
- Deferred compensation
- An award made by an employer to compensate an employee in a future cost
accounting period or periods for services rendered in one or more cost
accounting periods before the date of the receipt of compensation by the
employee. (FAR 31.001)
- Definite quantity contract
- A contract which provides for delivery of a definite quantity of specific
supplies or services for a fixed period, with deliveries to be scheduled at
designated locations upon order. (FAR 16.503)
- Department
of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS)
- An agency supplement issued by the Department of Defense for the purpose
of implementing the basic Federal Acquisition Regulation in accordance with
the specific policies of the Department.
- Depreciation
- An accounting term used to describe the systematic cost allocation through
which the decline in usefulness of a company's tangible
assets are recorded over time.
- Determination and findings
- A special form of written approval by an authorized official that is
required by statute or regulation as a prerequisite to taking certain contract
actions. The "determination" is a conclusion or decision supported by the
"findings". The findings are statements of fact or rationale essential to
support the determination and must cover each requirement of the statute or
regulation. (FAR 1.701)
- Differential rate
- Term used to describe a deviation from some established standard rate
- Direct cost
- Any cost which is identified specifically with a particular final cost
objective. (FAR 30.301)
- Directly associated cost
- Any cost which is generated solely as a result of the incurrence of
another cost, and which would not have been incurred had the other cost not
been incurred. (FAR 31.001)
- Disclosure
statement (cost
accounting standards)
- Persons or firms required to complete and submit a disclosure statement
(Form CASB-DS-1) describe their contract cost accounting practices by
providing data that are responsive to the form's requirements. (ASPM-Appendix
B, as abridged)
- Discounted future earnings
- A method used in valuing a business which estimates a series of future
earnings along with a terminal residual value, each of which is discounted to
its present value based on the rate of return desired by the investor.
- Discussion
- As used in FAR 15.6, "Contracting by Negotiation: Source Selection", any
oral or written communication between the Government and an offeror (other
than communications conducted for the purpose of minor clarification),
whether or not initiated by the Government, that (a) involves information
essential for determining the acceptability of a proposal, or (b) provides the
offeror an opportunity to revise or modify its proposal. (FAR 15.601)
- Distributed network model
- An organization where individual branches are relatively independent and
communication and inventory sharing are done on an informal basis. Under this
model, headquarters may offer some functions such as billing, purchasing and
accounting, but for the most part, branches operate anonymously.
- Domestic end product
- (a) An unmanufactured end product mined or produced in the United States,
or (b) an end product manufactured in the United States, if the cost of its
components mined, produced, or manufactured in the United States exceeds 50
percent of the cost of all its components. (FAR 25.101)
- Domestic offer
- An offered price for a domestic end product, including transportation to
destination. (FAR 25.101)
- Domestic services
- Services performed in the United States. If services provided under a
single contract are performed both inside and outside the United States, they
shall be considered domestic if 25 percent or less of their total cost is
attributable to services performed outside the United States. (FAR 25.301)
- Drop shipper
- A limited-function distributor that carries little or no inventory. The
term is sometimes used to describe certain systems integrators that configure
a systems solution based on hardware and software obtained from many different
vendors and then coordinate the delivery and installation by those vendors
without directly handling the related items.
- Economically
disadvantaged individuals
- Socially disadvantaged individuals whose ability to compete in the free
enterprise system is impaired due to diminished opportunities to obtain
capital and credit as compared to others in the same line of business who are
not socially disadvantaged.
- Economic order quantity (EOQ)
- The size of an order at which the combined cost of procuring and carrying
inventory is at a minimum.
- Economic price adjustment
- An alteration permitted and specified by contract provisions for the
upward or downward revision of a stated contract price upon the occurrence of
certain contingencies that are defined in the contract. (ASPM-Appendix B)
- Electronic data interchange
- Transmission of information between computers using highly standardized
electronic versions of common business documents.
- Emerging small business
- A small
business concern whose size is no greater than 50 percent of the numerical
size standard
applicable to the Standard
Industrial Classification code assigned to a contracting opportunity. (FAR
- End product
- Those articles, materials, and supplies to be acquired for public use
under the contract. (FAR 25.101)
- Equity
- An accounting term used to describe the net investment of owners or
stockholders in a business. Under the accounting
equation, equity also represents the result of assets less liabilities.
- Established catalog price
- A price included in a catalog, price list, schedule or other form that (1)
is regularly maintained by a manufacturer or vendor, (2) is published or made
available for inspection by customers, and (3) states prices at which sales
are currently or were last made to a significant number of buyers constituting
the general public. (ASPM-Appendix B)
- Established market price
- A current price, established in the usual and ordinary course of trade
between buyers and seller free to bargain, which can be substantiated from
sources independent of the manufacturer or vendor, although such pricing data
may have to come from the seller. (ASPM-Appendix B)
- Estimating costs
- The process of forecasting a future result in terms of cost, based on
information available at the time. (FAR 31.001)
- Excess insurance
- Coverage beyond the primary or first layer of insurance; for example,
excess coverage of $1,000,000 beyond $500,000 of primary coverage.
- Expressly unallowable cost
- A particular item or type of cost which, under the express provisions of
an applicable law, regulation, or contract, is specifically named and stated
to be unallowed. (FAR 31.001)
- Facilities capital
- The net book
value of tangible
capital assets and of those intangible
capital assets that are subject to amortization. (FAR 31.001)
- Facilities contract
- A contract under which Government facilities are provided to a contractor
or subcontractor by the Government for use in connection with performing one
or more related contracts for supplies or services. (FAR 45.101)
- Fair and reasonable price
- A price that is fair to both parties, considering the agreed-upon
conditions, promised quality, and timeliness of contract performance. Although
generally a fair and reasonable price is a function of the law of supply and
demand, there are statutory, regulatory, and judgmental limits on the concept.
(ASPM-Appendix B)
- Fair market value
- The price (cash or equivalent) that a buyer could reasonably be expected
to pay and a seller could reasonably be expected to accept, if the business
were for sale on the open market for a reasonable period of time, both buyer
and seller being in possession of all pertinent facts, and neither being under
any compulsion to act.
- Federal Acquisition
Regulation (FAR)
- The body of regulations which is the primary source of authority governing
the Government procurement process. The FAR, which is published as Chapter 1
of Title 48 of the Code of Federal Regulations, is prepared, issued, and
maintained by under the joint auspices of the Secretary of Defense, the
Administrator of General Services, and the Administrator of the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration. Actual responsibility for maintenance
and revision of the FAR is vested jointly in the Defense Acquisition
Regulatory Council (DARC) and the Civilian
Agency Acquisition Council (CAAC). The FAR provisions are implemented and
augmented by the various agency supplements, and are subject to interpretation
by the entities such as the Federal courts, the Armed
Services Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA), the General Services Board of
Contract Appeals (GSBCA) and others.
- Federal
Information Resource Management Regulation (FIRMR)
- The body of regulations that has primary jurisdiction over the acquisition
by the Government of supplies and services related to automated data
processing. In cases of conflict with the Federal Acquisition Regulation
(FAR), the provisions of the FIRMR have precedence.
- Fee
- In specified cost reimbursement pricing arrangements, fee represents an
agreed-to amount beyond the initial estimate of costs. In most instances, fee
reflects a variety of factors, including risk, and is subject to statutory
limitations. Fee may be fixed at the outset of performance, as in a
cost-plus-fixed-fee contract, or may vary (within a contractually specified
minimum-maximum range) as in a cost-plus-incentive fee contract.
(ASPM-Appendix B, as modified)
- Final cost objective
- A cost objective that has allocated
to it both direct and indirect costs and, in the contractor's accumulation
system, is one of the final accumulation points. (FAR 31.001)
- Final indirect cost rate
- The indirect cost rate established and agreed upon by the Government and
the contractor as not subject to change. It is usually established after the
close of the contractors fiscal year (unless the parties decide upon a
different period) to which it applies. In the case of cost-reimbursement
research and development contracts with educational institutions, it may be
predetermined; that is, established for a future period on the basis of cost
experience with similar contracts, together with supporting data. (FAR 42.701)
- Final indirect rate proposal
- A document required to be prepared and submitted annually by contractors
performing cost-reimbursement contracts in which the contractor enumerates the
composition of its claimed
indirect cost pools and the resulting indirect cost rates for the year. The
proposal is subject to audit
by the Government before final rates are determined.
- Firm-fixed-price (FFP)
- A fixed-price contract which provides for a price that is not subject to
any adjustment on the basis of the contractor's cost experience in performing
the contract. This contract type places upon the contractor maximum risk and
full responsibility for all costs and resulting profit or loss. It provides
maximum incentive for the contractor to control costs and perform efficiently
and imposes a minimum administrative burden upon the contracting parties. (FAR
- First in, first out (FIFO)
- An accounting term used to describe the inventory method that allocates
cost on the assumption that the cost of the first goods purchased is the cost
of the first goods sold.
- Firm-fixed
price, level-of-effort term contract (FFP-LOE)
- A contract which requires (a) the contractor to provide a specified level
of effort, over a stated period of time, on work that can be stated only in
general terms and (b) the Government to pay the contractor a fixed dollar
amount. (FAR 16.207-1)
- Fiscal year
- The accounting period for which annual financial statements are regularly
prepared, generally a period of 12 months, 52 weeks, or 53 weeks.
- Fixed assets
- Term used to describe tangible
assets having relatively long lives such as property, plant and equipment.
- Fixed costs
- Costs that do not vary with the level of activity during a given period.
In practice, some fixed costs are difficult to distinguish from variable
costs; it has been said that all costs are fixed in the short run and
variable in the long run.
- Fixed-price
contract with economic price adjustment
- A fixed-price contract which provides for upward or downward revision of
the stated contract price upon the occurrence of specified contingencies. (FAR
- Fixed-ceiling-price
contract with retroactive price redetermination
- A fixed-price contract which provides for (a) a fixed ceiling price and
(b) retroactive price redetermination within the ceiling after completion of
the contract. (FAR 16.206-1)
- Fixed-price (FP) contract
- A contract type which provides for a firm price or, in appropriate cases,
an adjustable price. Fixed-price contracts providing for an adjustable price
may include a ceiling price, a target price (including target cost), or both.
Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the ceiling price or target price
is subject to adjustment only by operation of contract clauses providing for
equitable adjustment or other revision of the contract price under stated
circumstances. (FAR 16.201)
- Fixed-price
contract with prospective price redetermination
- A fixed-price contract which provides for (a) a firm fixed price for an
initial period of contract deliveries or performance and (b) prospective
redetermination, at a stated time or times during performance, of the price
for subsequent periods of performance. (FAR 16.205-1)
- Fixed-price incentive
(FPI) contract
- A fixed-price contract that provides for adjusting profit and establishing
the final contract price by application of a formula based on the relationship
of total final negotiated cost to total target cost. The final price is
subject to a price ceiling, negotiated at the outset. (FAR 16.403)
- Foreign offer
- An offered price for a foreign end product, including transportation to
destination and duty (whether or not a duty-free entry certificate is issued).
(FAR 25.101)
- Forward pricing rate agreement
- A written agreement negotiated between a contractor and the Government to
make certain rates available during a specified period for use in pricing
contracts or modifications. (FAR 15.801)
- Freedom of Information Act
- A public law established for the purpose of providing for the disclosure
to the general public of Government information not classified
in accordance with national security or other confidentiality requirements.
- Fringe pool
- A type of indirect cost pool that commonly is established for the purpose
of accumulating employee fringe benefit costs. This type of pool has become
increasingly popular in recent years. Common costs accumulated in such pools
include those for compensated absences, health insurance, bonuses, retirement
plans, and payroll taxes.
- Fringe rate
- An indirect cost rate which expresses the relationship between costs
accumulated in a fringe pool and the related base for allocating such costs,
for a given period of time. A typical allocation
base for a fringe pool is the related labor dollars.
- Full and open competition
- With respect to a contract action, means that all responsible sources are
permitted to compete. (FAR 6.003)
- General Accounting Office
- The audit agency of the United States Congress. GAO has broad authority to
conduct investigations on behalf of the Congress and to review certain
contract decisions, including protests of contract awards and decisions of contracting
officers' with respect to the acquisition
by the Government of supplies and services related to automated data
- General and
administrative expense (G&A)
- Any management, financial, and other expense which is incurred by or allocated
to a business
unit and which is for the general management and administration of the
business unit as a whole. G&A expense does not include those management
expenses whose beneficial or casual relationship to cost objectives can be
more directly measured by a base other than a cost input base representing the
total activity of a business unit during a cost accounting period. (FAR
- G&A pool
- A type of indirect cost pool that commonly is established for the purpose
of accumulating general and administrative expenses. G&A expenses are
often distinguished from expenses included in one or more overhead pools on
the basis that the G&A expenses are less directly associated with contract
activities than overhead costs. Costs typically segregated in a G&A pool
include general management salaries, salaries of employees engaged in
administration, finance and accounting, and a proportionate share of items
such as rent, depreciation, taxes, and general business insurance associated
with general and administrative activities. The G&A pool is also the
repository for Bid
and Proposal (B&P) and Independent Research and Development (IR&D)
costs, as well as certain other business development costs.
- G&A rate
- An indirect cost rate which expresses the relationship between costs
accumulated in a G&A pool and the related base for allocating such costs,
for a given period of time. The base for allocating G&A expenses in
determining the G&A rate usually consists of total cost inputs for a business
unit before G&A expenses.
- Generally
accepted accounting principles (GAAP)
- Term used to describe broadly the body of principles that governs the
accounting for financial transactions underlying the preparation of a set of
financial statements. Generally accepted principles are derived from a variety
of sources, including promulgations of the Financial Accounting Standards
Board and its predecessor, the Accounting Principles Board, and the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Other sources include the general
body of accounting literature consisting of textbooks, articles, papers, etc.
- General
Services Board of Contract Appeals (GSBCA)
- The executive branch entity responsible for deciding appeals of contracting
officers' decisions with respect to contracts for the acquisition
by the Government, other than the Department of Defense, of supplies and
services. In addition to its role as the primary appeals body for the civilian
agencies, the GSBCA also shares responsibility with the General Accounting
Office (GAO) for deciding appeals of decisions issued with respect to
automated data processing acquisitions on a Government-wide basis.
- Government-furnished property
- Property in the possession of or directly acquired by the Government and
subsequently made available to the contractor. (FAR 45.101)
- Head of the contracting
- The official who has overall responsibility for managing the contracting
activity. (FAR 2.101)
- Home office
- An office responsible for directing or managing two or more, but not
necessarily all, segments of an organization. It typically establishes policy
for, and provides guidance to, the segments in their operations. It usually
performs management, supervisory, or administrative functions, and may also
perform service functions in support of the operations of the various
segments. An organization which has intermediate levels, such as groups, may
have several home offices which report to a common home office. An
intermediate organization may be both a segment and a home office. (FAR
- Improper influence
- Any influence that induces or tends to induce a Government employee or
officer to give consideration or to act regarding a Government contract on any
basis other than the merits of the matter. (FAR 3.101-4)
- Incurred cost submission
- A term commonly used to describe a final indirect rate proposal prepared
in the format required by the Defense Contract Audit Agency.
- Incurred cost audit
- Term used to describe the audit
of a contractor's incurred cost submission, primarily for the purpose of
determining the allowability of costs charged to cost-reimbursement type
- Indefinite quantity contract
- A contract which provides for an indefinite quantity, within stated
limits, of specific supplies or services to be furnished during a fixed
period, with deliveries to be scheduled by placing orders with the
contractors. (FAR 16.504)
- Independent
research and development (IR&D) cost
- The cost effort which is neither sponsored by a grant, nor required in
performing a contract, and which falls within any of the four following areas:
(a) basic research, (b) applied research, (c) development, and (d) systems and
other concept formulation studies. (FAR 31.001)
- Indirect cost
- A grouping of costs not directly identified with a single final cost
objective, but identified with two or more final cost objectives or with at
least one intermediate cost objective. (FAR 30.301)
- Indirect cost pool
- A grouping of indirect costs identified with two or more objectives but
not identified specifically with any final cost objective. (FAR 30.301,
- Indirect cost rate
- The percentage or dollar factor that expresses the ratio of indirect costs
incurred in a given period to direct labor cost, manufacturing cost, or
another appropriate base for the same period. (FAR 42.701)
- Intangible capital asset
- An asset that has no physical substance, has more than minimal value, and
is expected to be held by the enterprise for continued use beyond the current
accounting period for the benefits it yields. (FAR 31.001)
- Kickback
- Any money, fee, commission, credit, gift, gratuity, thing of value, or
compensation of any kind which is provided, directly or indirectly, to any
prime contractor, prime contractor employee, subcontractor, or subcontractor
employee for the purpose of improperly obtaining or rewarding favorable
treatment in connection with a prime contract or in connection with a
subcontract relating to a prime contract. (FAR 3.104-4)
- Labor cost at standard
- A preestablished measure of the labor element of cost, computed by
multiplying labor-rate standard by labor-time standard. (FAR 31.001)
- Labor hour contract
- A variation of a time
and materials ( T&M) contract, differing only in that materials are
not supplied by the contractor. (FAR 16.602)
- Labor-rate standard
- A preestablished measure, expressed in monetary terms, of the price of
labor. (FAR 31.001)
- Labor-time standard
- A preestablished measure, expressed in temporal terms, of the price of
labor. (FAR 31.001)
- Last in, first out (LIFO)
- An accounting term used to describe the inventory method that allocates
cost on the assumption that the cost of the last goods purchased is the cost
of the first goods sold.
- Lead agency
- Term often used to describe, for a particular contractor (or a business
unit or segment of a contractor), that Federal Government agency (or
contract administration office) with primary responsibility for certain
contract matters, such as negotiation of advance
agreements and settlement of final indirect cost rates. In connection with
the negotiation of advance agreements covering independent research and
development costs, the term has the specific meaning attributed to it at FAR
42.1003 regarding the vesting of authority for such agreements within a single
- Lead time
- The period of time between the determination of need for an item and the
actual manufacture and delivery of the item.
- Lease-to-ownership program
- A contract for the lease of property that provides for the automatic
transfer of title to the property to the Government upon the expiration of the
- Lease-with-option purchase
- A contract for the lease of property that provides the Government with the
options to purchase the property at one or more points during the lease, or
upon its expiration.
- Letter contract
- A written preliminary contractual instrument that authorizes the
contractor to begin immediately manufacturing supplies or performing services.
(FAR 16.603-1)
- Leveraged buy-out
- A mechanism under which a company is acquired by a person or entity using
the value of the company's assets to finance its acquisition;
this allows for the acquirer to minimize its outlay of cash in making the
- Liabilities
- Amounts owed by a business to its creditors.
- Limitation of Cost clause
- A clause prescribed for inclusion in cost-reimbursement type contracts
that establishes requirements for notifying the Government a) at any point at
which the contractor has reason to believe that the total cost for performance
of the contract will be either greater or substantially less than had been
previously estimated, or b) when incurred costs as of a given date plus costs
expected to be incurred over the subsequent 60-day period are expected to
exceed 75% of the contract target cost. The notification provision is designed
to allow the Government an opportunity to assess the contract progress and to
issue a stop-work order if it decides not to continue. The notification to be
provided must be in writing. Failure to comply with this clause is one of the
most common bars to recovery of cost overruns on cost-reimbursement type
contracts. (See FAR 52.232-20 and 52.232.21)
- Limitation of Funds clause
- A clause prescribed for inclusion in cost-reimbursement type contracts
that establishes requirements for notifying the Government when incurred costs
as of a given date plus costs expected to be incurred over the subsequent
60-day period are expected to exceed 75% of the total amount so far allotted
by the Government (i.e., the funded amount). The notification provision is
designed to allow the Government to designate additional funding for the
contract in order to proceed in a timely manner. The notification to be
provided must be in writing. (See FAR 52.232.22)
- Liquidity
- The ability of a business to meet its obligations as they come due; the
more liquid a business is, the better able it is to meet short-term financial
- Liquidity ratios
- Measurements used to calculate the degree of a company's liquidity, i.e.,
its ability to meet its obligations as they come due. Some common liquidity
ratios and the formulas for calculating them are as follows:
- Accounts receivable turnover
Total credit sales divided by
average accounts receivable
- Accounts payable turnover
Total credit purchases divided by
average accounts payable
- Inventory turnover
Total cost of sales divided by average
- Acid-test
Cash plus securities plus accounts receivable,
divided by current liabilities
- Current ratio
Current assets divided by current liabilities
- Working capital
Current assets minus the sum of current
- Lockbox
- A bank facility that accelerates the collection of receivables by reducing
mail and processing time associated with remittance handling. Under a lockbox
arrangement, customers mail remittances to a uniquely zip-coded post office
box (lockbox) which the bank then uses to rapidly process credits to a
customer's account. All documents accompanying the remittances are forwarded
to the company through prearranged channels.
- Market data method
- A method used in valuing a business which uses sales of comparable
businesses as a base and adjusts the figures for differences.
- Material cost at standard
- A preestablished measure of the material elements of cost, computed by
multiplying material price standard by material-quantity standard.
(FAR 31.001)
- Material management
- The process of procuring and moving materials, parts, or finished
inventory from the point of purchase to assembly plants, warehouses, or the
final customer.
- Material-price standard
- A preestablished measure, expressed in monetary terms, of the price of
material. (FAR 31.001)
- Material-quantity standard
- A preestablished measure, expressed in physical terms, of the quantity of
- Modification
- The addition of new work to a contract, or the extension of a contract,
which requires a justification and approval. (FAR 3.104-4)
- Modified
Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS)
- A system of computing and allocating depreciation of property and
equipment over one or more periods that is prescribed by the Internal Revenue
Code. The MACRS system is a modification of the Accelerated Cost Recovery
System method of depreciation introduced in the Tax Reform Act of 1986.
- Moving average cost
- An inventory costing method under which an average unit cost is computed
after each acquisition
by adding the cost of the newly acquired units to the cost of the units of
inventory on hand and dividing this figure by the new total number of units.
(FAR 31.001)
- Multiyear contracts
- Contracts covering more than one-year's but not in excess of five-year's
requirements. Each program year is annually budgeted and funded and, at the
time of award, funds need only to have been appropriated for the first year.
(FAR 17.101)
- Negotiated subcontract
- Any subcontract except a firm fixed-price subcontract made by a contractor
or subcontractor after receiving offers from at least two persons not
associated with each other or with such contractor or subcontractor, providing
(a) the solicitation to all competitors is identical, (b) price is the only
consideration in selecting from among the competitors solicited, and (c) the
lowest offer received in compliance with the solicitation from among those
solicited is accepted. (FAR 30.301)
- Negotiation
- Contracting through the use of either competitive or other-than-competitive
proposals and discussions. Any contract awarded without using sealed
bidding procedures is a negotiated contract. (FAR 15.101)
- Net awards
- The total obligated value of negotiated national defense prime contract
and subcontract awards received during the reporting period minus
cancellations, terminations, and other related credit transactions. (FAR
- Net income
- The net return (earnings or profit) earned by a business after deducting
all selling and administrative costs, depreciation, taxes and any other
adjustments prior to dividends and withdrawals.
- Novation agreement
- A legal instrument executed by (a) the contractor (transferor), (b) the
successor in interest (transferee), and (c) the Government by which, among
other things, the transferor guarantees performance of the contract, the
transferee assumes all obligations under the contract, and the Government
recognizes the transfer of the contract and related assets. (FAR 42.701)
- Operating cycle of a business
- The average period of time between acquisition
of merchandise or materials by a business and realization of cash from the
sale of merchandise or products manufactured from raw materials.
- Operating revenue
- Amounts accrued or charged to customers, clients, and tenants, for the
sale of products manufactured or purchased for resale, for services, and for
rental of property held primarily for leasing to others.
- Overhead pool
- A term that is often used to describe a type of indirect cost pool in
which common costs related to a one or more groups of cost objectives are
accumulated. Although the term frequently is used in a comparatively broad
sense, it is probably most often employed for the purpose of designating pools
that contain costs that are general in nature, such as indirect labor, rent,
supplies, insurance, and depreciation. An overhead pool is often used to
accumulate costs that are distinct from those necessary to the overall
operation of a business (which are often termed "general and administrative"
costs), or those that may have a greater degree of commonality (such as
employee fringe benefits). Overhead pools are commonly established using a
variety of indicators of allocability such as costs associated with individual
units, geographic locations, or groups of related cost objectives.
- Overhead rate
- An indirect cost rate which expresses the relationship between costs
accumulated in an overhead pool and the related base for allocating such
costs, for a given period of time. A typical allocation
base for an overhead pool is the related direct labor dollars.
- Percentage-of-completion
method of accounting
- A method of revenue recognition for long-term contracts (i.e., contracts
which span more than one fiscal period) under which a portion of the total
contract revenue, and a share of contract costs, is recorded in each period
based on the relative cost or effort applied during that period. This method
stands in contrast to the completed contract method of accounting, and is
considered appropriate when the total cost of performing the contract and,
accordingly, the ultimate profit to be recognized thereon, is reasonably
determinable and predictable.
- Periodic inventory method
- Using a "purchases" account, this system of inventory adds beginning
inventory to net purchases and subtracts ending inventory to determine cost of
goods sold. Inventory is thus periodically calculated rather than perpetually
- Perpetual inventory method
- An inventory recording system that keeps a continuous record of all goods
in stock; as items are sold, the cost is transferred to a cost of goods sold
- Physical distribution
- The integration of two or more activities for the purpose of planning the
efficient flow of raw materials, in-process inventory and finished goods from
point of origin to point of consumption.
- Pre-award survey
- An evaluation by a surveying activity of a prospective contractor's
capability to perform a proposed contract. (FAR 9.101)
- Price analysis
- The process of examining and evaluating a proposed price without
evaluating its separate cost elements and proposed profit. (FAR 15.801)
- Pricing
- The process of establishing a reasonable amount or amounts to be paid for
supplies or services. (FAR 31.001)
- Procurement
Automated Source System (PASS)
- A database maintained by the A HREF="#Small Business Administration
(SBA)">Small Business Administration (SBA) which lists the capabilities
of contractors certified under the SBA's 8(a) program for the benefit of
Government agencies and larger contractors who wish to utilize such 8(a)
- Procurement official
- Any civilian or military official or employee of an agency who has
participated personally and substantially in the conduct of the agency
procurement concerned, including all officials and employees who are
responsible for reviewing and approving the procurement. (FAR 3.104-4)
- Profitability ratios
- Measurements used to assess the relative profitability of a company. Some
common profitability ratios and the formulas for calculating them are as
- Book
value per share
Total common equity divided by the number of
common shares outstanding.
- Dividends per share
Total dividends paid to common
shareholders divided by the number of common shares outstanding.
- Earnings per share
The common shareholders' portion of net
income for a given period divided by the number of common shares
- Gross profit percentage
Total cost of sales for a given
period divided by total sales for that period.
- Net profit percentage
Net income for a given period divided
by total sales for that period.
- Operating profit percentage
Earnings before interest and
taxes for a given period divided by total sales for that period.
- Return on common equity
Net income for a given period less
dividends, divided by shareholders'
equity less preferred stock.
- Return on investment
Net income divided by total assets.
- Profit center
- The smallest organizationally independent segment of a company charged by
management with profit and loss responsibilities. (FAR 31.001)
- Prompt Payment Act
- A law enacted in order to ensure that companies transacting business with
the Government are paid in a timely manner. With certain exceptions, the Act
requires that the Government make payment within 30 days from the date of
submission of a properly prepared invoice by a contractor. For amounts not
paid within the required period, the Government is obligated to pay interest
at a rate established by the Secretary of the Treasury. At the time of
original enactment, the law provided for a 15-day grace period in addition to
the basic 30-day period; this provision was subsequently repealed due to
perceived abuse by the Government. (See FAR 32.9)
- Proposal
- Any offer or other submission used as a basis for pricing a contract,
contract modification, or termination settlement or for securing payments
thereunder. (FAR 31.001)
- Protest
- A written objection by an interested party to a solicitation by an agency
for offers for a proposed contract for the acquisition
of supplies or services or a written objection by an interested party to a
proposed award or the award of such a contract. (FAR 33.101)
- Provisional rate
- An alternate term for a billing
- Qualified bidders list (QBL)
- A list of bidders who have had their products examined and tested and who
have satisfied all applicable qualification requirements for that produce or
have otherwise satisfied all applicable qualification requirements. (FAR
- Qualified manufacturers
list (QML)
- A list of manufacturers who have had their products examined and tested
and who have satisfied all applicable qualification requirements for that
product. (FAR 9.201)
- Qualified products list (QPL)
- A list of products which have been examined, tested, and have satisfied
all applicable qualification requirements. (FAR 9.201)
- Qualification requirement
- A Government requirement for testing or other quality assurance
demonstration that must be completed before award of a contract. (FAR 9.201)
- Qualitative forecasting
- Forecasting techniques that use expert judgment and experience combined
with a rating system to develop projections of future events and results.
- Quick closeout
- The settlement of indirect costs for a specific contract in advance of the
determination of relevant final indirect cost rates. The use of quick closeout
procedures generally is permitted only when the potential for audit
differences between final and proposed indirect rates is low and/or the
amounts of unsettled indirect costs are insignificant. (See FAR 42.708)
- Rate variance
- A measure of the difference between a particular actual indirect cost rate
and the related provisional rate or billing
- Real time processing
- A form of processing in which information is processed more-or-less
immediately as it is input into the system.
- Replacement cost method
- A method used in valuing a business which focuses on valuing specific
components of the investment such as individual business assets.
- Requirements contract
- A contract which provides for filling all actual purchase requirements of
designated Government activities for specific supplies or services during a
specified contract period, with deliveries to be scheduled by placing orders
with the contractor. (FAR 16.503)
- Responsible
- Term used to describe one of the principal criteria that a contractor must
meet in order to eligible for the award of a particular contract. A contractor
generally is deemed to be responsible if it: has adequate financial resources
to perform the contract; is capable of complying with the proposed performance
of delivery schedule; has a satisfactory performance record; has a
satisfactory record of integrity; has the necessary organization, experience,
accounting and operational controls, and technical skills, or the ability to
obtain them; has the necessary production, construction, and technical
equipment and facilities, or the ability to obtain them; and is otherwise
qualified and eligible to receive an award. (See FAR 9.104)
- Retained earnings
- The portion of after-tax net income of a corporation not paid out to
shareholders in the form of dividends, but which instead is retained for use
in the business.
- Review (of financial
- The process of performing inquiry and analytical procedures that provide a
certified public accountant with a reasonable basis for expressing limited
assurance that there are no material modifications that should be made to a
company's financial statements in order for them to be in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles or, if applicable, with another
comprehensive basis of accounting. A review provides less assurance than an audit,
more assurance than a compilation
(which provides no assurance).
- Risk management
- The process for the identification, analysis, and treatment of loss
exposure as well as the administration of techniques to accomplish the goals
of a company in minimizing potential financial loss from such exposure.
- Segment
- One of two or more divisions, product departments, plants or other
subdivisions of an organization reporting directly to a home office, usually
identified with responsibility for profit and/or producing a product or
service. The term includes Government-owned contractor operated (GOCO)
facilities, and joint ventures and subsidiaries (domestic and foreign) in
which the organization has a majority ownership. The term also includes those
joint ventures and subsidiaries (domestic and foreign) in which the
organization has less than a majority of ownership, but over which it
exercises control.
- Service life
- The period of usefulness of a tangible
capital asset (or group of assets) to its current owner. The period may be
expressed in units of time or output. The estimated service life of a tangible
capital asset (or group of assets) is a current forecast of its service life
and is the period over which depreciation cost is to be assigned. (FAR 31.001)
- Size standards
- Measures established by the Small
Business Administration for the purpose of determining whether a business
qualifies as a small business for purposes of implementing the socioeconomic
programs enumerated in Part 19 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation. SBA size
establish ceilings on either number of employees or the amount of annual
revenue for each industry code contained in the Standard Industrial
Classification Manual published by the Government.
- Small Business
Administration (SBA)
- The Government agency that has primary responsibility for the advancement
of small
business. The SBA serves as a small business advocate through its many
programs designed to assist small businesses in areas such as training,
financing, and the identification of opportunities.
- Small business
- Any concern, firm, person, corporation, partnership, cooperative, or other
business enterprise which, under 15 U.S.C. 637(b)(6) and the rules and
regulations of the Small
Business Administration in Part 121 of Title 13 of the Code of
Regulations, is determined to be a small business concern for the purpose of
Government contracting. (FAR 30.301)
- Small business concern
- A concern, including its affiliates,
that is independently owned and operated, not dominant in the field of
operation in which it is bidding on government contracts, and qualified as a
business under the criteria and size
standards in 13 CFR Part 121. (FAR 19.001)
- Small
business innovative research (SBIR) contract
- A type of contract designed to foster technological innovation by small
businesses. Eligibility for SBIR contracts is limited to for-profit
businesses with 500 or fewer employees. The SBIR contract program provides for
a three-phased approach to research and development projects. The first phase
is used to establish technological feasibility and ability of the contractor
to fully develop the concept or idea; Phase I contracts generally are for six
months and are limited to $50,000. Phase II contracts embody the primary
research effort; this phase is usually limited to two years with a funding
maximum of $500,000. Phase III entails the effort to convert the technology to
a commercial application. Phase III efforts are not funded by the Government;
instead, funding is provided by third parties such as venture capitalists or
large corporations.
- Small disadvantaged
business concern
- A small
business concern that is at least 51 percent unconditionally owned by one
or more individuals who are both socially and economically disadvantaged, or a
publicly owned business that has at least 51 percent of its stock
unconditionally owned by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged
individuals and that has management and daily business controlled by one or
more such individuals. (FAR 19.001)
- Small purchase
- An acquisition
of supplies, nonpersonal services, and construction in the amount of $25,000
or less using small purchase procedures. (FAR 13.101)
- Socially disadvantaged
- Individuals who have been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice or
cultural bias because of their identity as a member of a group without regard
to their qualities as individuals. (FAR 19.001)
- Sole source acquisition
- A contract for the purchase of supplies or services that is entered into
or proposed to be entered into by an agency after soliciting and negotiating
with only one source. (FAR 6.003)
- Specification
- A description of the technical requirements for a material, product, or
service that includes the criteria for determining whether these requirements
are met. Specifications shall only state the Government's actual minimum needs
and be designed to promote full and open competition, with due regard to the
nature of the supplies or services to be acquired. (FAR 10.001)
- Standard
- A document that establishes engineering and technical limitations and
applications of items, materials, processes, methods, designs, and engineering
practices. It includes any related criteria deemed essential to achieve the
highest practical degree of uniformity in materials or products, or
interchangeability of parts used in those products. (FAR 10.001)
- Standard cost
- Any cost computed with the use of preestablished measures. (FAR 31.001)
- Standard
Industrial Classification code (SIC)
- A code representing a category within the Standard Industrial
Classification System administered by the Statistical Policy Division of the
U.S. Office of Management and Budget. The system was established to classify
all industries in the U.S. economy. A two-digit code designates each major
industry group, which is coupled with a second two-digit code representing
- Statement of cash flows
- A financial statement that reports net cash provided or used as a result
of a company's operating, investing, and financing activities and the net
effect of those cash flows on cash and cash equivalents for a given period in
a manner that reconciles beginning and ending cash and cash equivalents.
- Statement of income
- A financial statement whose purpose is to show the results of a company's
operations, i.e., whether or not the business has earned a profit for a
specific period of time. The statement of income lists the various revenue and
expenses of the business along with related net income.
- Statement of retained earnings
- A financial statement that illustrates the change in equity resulting from
earnings or losses and dividends declared. The statement of retained
earnings is often combined with the income
statement or incorporated into the statement
of shareholder's equity.
- Statement of shareholder's
- A financial statement that illustrates the change in the various
components of shareholder's equity for a given period, including change in the
stock and retained earnings accounts.
- Supplemental agreement
- A contract modification that is accomplished by the mutual action of the
parties. (FAR 43.101)
- Suspension
- An action taken by a suspending official under FAR 9.407 to disqualify a
contractor temporarily from Government contracting and Government-approved
subcontracting. (FAR 9.403)
- Tangible capital asset
- An asset that has physical substance, has more than minimal value, and is
expected to be by an enterprise for continued use or possession beyond the
current accounting period for the service it yields. (FAR 31.001)
- Technical analysis
- The examination and evaluation by personnel having specialized knowledge,
skills, experience, or capability in engineering, science, or management of
proposed quantities and kinds of materials, labor, processes, special tooling,
facilities, and associated factors set forth in a proposal in order to
determine and report on the need for and reasonableness of the proposed
resources assuming reasonable economy and efficiency. (FAR 15.801)
- Termination contracting
officer (TCO)
- A contracting
officer having responsibility for settling one or more particular
contracts. In some cases the term is used to identify a contracting officer
who specializes in the settlement of terminated contracts.
- Termination for convenience
- The termination of a contract by the Government for reasons other than
nonperformance or default
when the Government deems it to be in its interest to do so. A termination for
convenience is a unilateral contract action undertaken by the Government under
the provisions appearing at FAR 49 and the various termination for convenience
contract clauses. In a termination for convenience action, the contractor
generally is entitled to negotiate a settlement agreement for the purpose of
providing an equitable recovery of costs reasonably incurred by the contractor
in anticipation of fulfilling the contract, and a reasonable profit thereon.
- Termination for default
- The termination of a contract by the Government for failure to perform the
contract in accordance with its requirements. A termination for default is a
unilateral contract action undertaken by the Government under the provisions
appearing at FAR 49 (and especially FAR 49.4). In a termination for default
action, the contractor generally is not entitled to any payment for
undelivered items, and may be liable to the Government for the repayment of
progress payments or advances, liquidated or other damages, and the excess
cost of acquiring the undelivered items from another source.
- Time-and-materials (T&M)
- A contract which provides for acquiring supplies or services on the basis
of (1) direct labor hours at specified fixed hourly rates that include wages,
overhead, general and administrative expenses, and profit and (2) materials at
cost, including, if appropriate, material handling costs as part of materials
costs. (FAR 16.601)
- Time series analysis
- A method that uses statistical techniques and relies on historical data,
emphasizing patterns and pattern changes for forecasting.
- Truth In Negotiations Act
- A public law enacted for the purpose of providing for full and fair
disclosure by contractors in the conduct of negotiations with the Government.
The most significant provision included in TINA is the requirement that
contractors submit certified
cost and pricing data for negotiated procurements above a defined
- Unallowable cost
- Any cost which, under the provisions of any pertinent law, regulation, or
contract, cannot be included in prices, cost-reimbursements, or settlements
under a Government contract to which it is allocable. (FAR 31.001)
- Uncompensated overtime
- As defined in DFARS 252.237-7019, the term describes "hours worked in
excess of an average of 40 hours per week by direct charge employees who are
exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act without compensation". In actual
practice, the term is often used more broadly to describe any situation in
which an employee who is involved directly or indirectly in the performance of
Government contracts works hours in excess of a standard amount (usually eight
hours per day or 40 hours per week) without additional compensation above the
employee's regular salary.
- Unsolicited proposal
- A written proposal that is submitted to an agency on the initiative of the
submitter for the purpose of obtaining a contract with the Government and
which is not in response to a formal or informal request (other than an agency
request constituting a publicized general statement of needs). (FAR 15.501)
- Variable cost
- A cost that varies in direct proportion to changes in volume, but which is
uniform for each unit. In practice, some variable costs are difficult to
distinguish from fixed costs; it has been said that all costs are fixed in the
short run and variable in the long run.
- Voluntary standard
- A standard
established by a private sector body and available for public use. (FAR
- Walsh-Healy Act
- A public law designed to prevent the practice of "bid brokering", i.e.,
the practice of buying items and then reselling them to the Government without
the adding of any value to the item by the reseller. The Act provides that
contracts subject to its provisions (generally contracts over $10,000) may be
awarded only to "manufacturers" or "regular dealers", as defined.
- Weighted average cost
- An inventory costing method under which an average unit cost is computed
periodically by dividing the sum of the cost of beginning inventory plus the
cost of acquisitions
by the total number of units included in these two categories. (FAR 31.001)
- Zero-based budgeting
- The process of preparing an operating plan or budget that starts with no
authorized funds. In a zero-based budget, each activity to be funded must be
justified every time a new budget is prepared.
- Advanced Cost Management Systems
- Administrative
Contracting Officer
- Accelerated
Cost Recovery System
- A/E
- Architect/Engineer
- Air Force Audit Agency
- American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
- Agency for International Development
- Agency Management Information System
- Armed
Services Board of Contract Appeals
- Armed Services Pricing Manual
- Armed Services Procurement Regulation
- Best
and Final Offer
- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
- Bureau of Land Management
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- B&P
- Bid
and Proposal (cost)
- Basic
Ordering Agreement
- Bargain Purchase Option
- Blanket Purchase Order
- Civilian
Agency Acquisition Council
- Corporate Administrative Contracting Officer
- Computer Assisted Design/Computer Assisted Manufacturing
- Computer-aided Acquisition & Logistics System
- Cost
Accounting Standards
- Cost Accounting Standards Board
- Contract Cost Data Report
- Contractor Employee Compensation System Review
- Contract Funds Status Report
- Commodity Futures Trading Commission
- Competition
in Contracting Act
- Contractor Insurance/Pension Review
- CO
- Contracting
- Certificate
of Competency
- Contracting Officer's Technical Representative
- Certified Public Accountant
- Cost-Plus-Award-Fee (contract)
- Certified Professional Contract Manager
- Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (contract)
- Cost-Plus-Incentive-Fee (contract)
- Cost Performance Report
- Consumer Products Safety Commission
- Contract Procurement System Review
- Contractor Risk Assessment Guide
- Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria
- Civil Service Reform Act
- Cost /Schedule Status Report
- Defense Acquisition Circular
- Defense Acquisition Regulation
- Defense Acquisition Regulatory Council
- Defense Contract Audit Agency
- Defense Contract Audit Institute
- Defense Contract Audit Agency Audit Manual
- Defense Contract Management Area Operations
- Defense Contract Management Command
- Defense Contract Management District
- Drug Enforcement Agency
- Defense Electronic Supply Center
- Department of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
- Defense Finance and Accounting Service
- Defense Intelligence Agency
- Defense Logistics Agency
- Department of Defense
- Department of Defense Directive
- Department of Defense Instruction
- Department of Defense Inspector General
- Department of Energy
- Department of Justice
- Department of Labor
- Department of Transportation
- Defense Production Act
- Defense Technical Information Center
- Estimate at Completion (cost)
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Economic order quantity
- Employee Retirement Income Security Act
- Employee Stock Option Plan
- Estimating System Survey
- Estimate to Complete
- Federal Acquisition Circular
- Federal Acquisition Regulation
- Financial Accounting Standards Board
- Farm Credit Administration
- Federal Aviation Administration
- Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Federal Communication Commission
- Food and Drug Administration
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Federal Election Commission
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- Firm-Fixed Price (contract)
- Federal Highway Administration
- Federal Housing Administration
- Federal Insurance Contributions Act
- First In, First Out (inventory method)
- Federal Information Resource Management Regulation
- Federal Labor Relations Authority
- Fair Labor Standards Act
- Federal Maritime Commission
- Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
- Field Management Information System
- Foreign Military Sales
- Fair Market Value
- Federal National Mortgage Association
- Freedom of Information Act
- Federal Procurement Data Center
- Fixed Price Incentive (contract)
- Fixed Price Redeterminable (contract)
- Forward Pricing Rate Agreement
- Federal Railway Administration
- Federal Reserve System
- Federal Unemployment Tax Act
- G&A
- General and Administrative (cost)
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
- Generally Accepted Auditing Standards
- Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards
- General Accounting Office
- Government Accounting Standards Board
- Government Bill of Lading
- Government National Mortgage Administration
- Government Owned, Contractor Operated
- Government Printing Office
- Government Services Administration
- General Services Board of Contract Appeals
- Health Care Financing Administration
- Department of Health and Human Services
- HR
- House of Representatives
- Health Resources and Services Administration
- Housing and Urban Development
- Interstate Commerce Commission
- Internal Control Questionnaire
- Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (contract)
- Invitation for Bids
- IG
- Inspector General
- Institute of Internal Auditors
- Industrial Base Information System
- Internal Revenue Code
- IR&D
- Independent research and development
- Internal Revenue Service
- International Trade Administration
- International Trade Commission
- Joint Travel Regulation
- Last In, First Out (inventory method)
- Lease to Ownership Plan
- Lease With Option to Purchase
- Mandatory Annual Audit Requirement
- Minority Business Development Agency
- U.S. Army Missile Command
- Material Requirements Planning
- Major Weapon System
- Navy Regional Data Automation Center
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- National Contract Management Association
- National Endowment for the Arts
- National Guard Bureau
- National Highway and Transportation Safety Administration
- National Institutes of Health
- National Institute of Standards and Technology
- National Labor Relations Board
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- National Science Foundation
- National Technical Information Service
- Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
- Office of Federal Procurement Policy
- Office of Inspector General
- Office of Management and Budget
- Office of Naval Research
- Overseas Private Investment Corporation
- Office of Personnel Management
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- Office of Thrift Supervision
- Principal Administrative Contracting Officer
- Procurement Assistance Office
- Procurement Automated Source System
- Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
- Performance Based Incentive System
- Procuring Contracting Officer
- Public Health Service
- Patent and Trademark Office
- Qualified bidders list
- Qualified manufacturers list
- Qualified products list
- Rural Electrification Administration
- Request for Proposal
- Request for Quote
- Resolution Trust Corporation
- Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Specialist
- Statement on Auditing Standards
- Small
Business Administration
- Small
Business Innovative Research (contract)
- Small
Disadvantaged Business
- Securities and Exchange Commission
- SF
- Standard Form
- Standard
Industrial Classification
- Social Security Administration
- Total Audit Concept Technique
- Total Business Systems Review
- Terminating
Contracting Officer
- Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act
- Truth
in Negotiations Act
- T&M
- Time
and materials (contract)
- Trade Opportunities Program
- Total quality management
- Tax Reduction Act Stock Ownership Plan
- Technical Service Center
- Tennesee Valley Authority
- CC
- Uniform Commercial Code
- United States Air Force
- United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
- U.S.C.
- United States Code
- United States Coast Guard
- United State Department of Agriculture
- United States Geological Survey
- United States Information Agency
- United States Marine Corps
- United States Postal Service
- United State Navy
- VA
- Veterans Administration
- Work Breakdown Structure